Brisa sat in stunned silence when Kaya told her of what happened to the village. [i]How could everyone be gone? Vanishing into thin air was the stuff of stories, not reality. Autry had taught her much of the magical history of the land; but nowhere did it mention a story where people simply vanished. It would have to be magical; how else could it be accomplished. What had really happened? What had attacked the village?[/i] The thoughts tumbled in Brisa’s head as she sat staring at the fire she had just lit. She was having a hard time wrapping her head around it all. It just didn’t seem possible. She liked things neat, facts, order, precision, logic, not scattered thoughts and ideas that raced through her mind faster than she could focus on them. She hadn’t always been this way, Autry had drilled that precision into her and now it was second nature. She felt uncomfortable returning to her own scatter brained ways. Fortunately she was quickly distracted by Argurios and his rather spectacular entry. She followed Kaya and watched as Kaya confronted the unknown. Brisa admired her for it, but she was also vastly relieved that it was simply the leather-worker’s boy. Brisa had seen him when she was fetching hand crafted pouches for Autry. She had never met him, and was very nervous around him, but she also knew he was one of the town and that was something. Right now that familiar face was welcome. In very short order she found herself startled into jitters again as Thovren made his equally spectacular entry. He was another boy she had seen but had no contact with. He always seemed to be busy, just as she was. They would pass each other in the street as they went about their duties but nothing more than that. When Dakin showed up it was a huge relief, him she knew well. He and his teacher were always here at Autry's. That Dorn wasn’t with him was bad; whatever happened it had to be bad to stop both Dorn and Autry from returning. The two of them were both magical warriors in their own right, and both seasoned adventurers at one point in their life. Autry hadn’t told much of her history to Brisa but she knew the woman was once an enchantress in Waterdeep. Wherever that was. It sounded vast, busy, and exciting. It also sounded like Autry could handle her own when she needed too. Dorn she suspected was the same, a newcomer to the village like Autry his life must have been equally as exciting and challenging. Dakin’s appearance broke through her mind, sending her worries scattering. It was something known she could focus on. “Come inside” she said calmly, relieved that her voice didn’t betray her edginess. “It’s safer in here. Autry’s charms protect the house from the night beasties.” She winced visibly again, Autry didn’t like people to know she had charmed her house. It made people nervous, suspicious, or worse. Autry had shown Brisa the charms and told her eventually she would teach the girl how to lay the enchantments for them. [i]Autry is gone[/i] she berated herself. She had no doubt, as the others straggled in with the same news she knew in her heart that Autry was gone. The old woman was more of a family than her own. She had at least understood Brisa. [i]She won’t mind now[/i]. “I have food too, in the study. And more in the cellar if we need it.” she continued quickly trying to cover her slip-up. “Maybe there are more people out there, it can’t be just the five of us--Right?” She beckoned to the others and turned and headed back inside the room. The cry of pain brought her out again at a run. She was certain something horrible was happening. Instead she saw Atrus and her eyes widened. “Atrus!” she said in surprise. “Where in Mystra’s Mantle were you? Have you been here the whole time? Are you ok?” She knew there was a neutralizing potion somewhere, Autry always had them around for the boy to use, but she didn’t know where. She knew a bit of his studies, though potions were not her strong suit she liked studying the formulas. She just couldn’t craft them to save her life. But she was very familiar with the potential for nasty side effects. Once he had even turned himself into a chicken, Autry had corrected it fairly quickly, but Brisa had been awed. She didn’t know that simple potions had the potential to do that. “What kind of potion was that? Wait never mind. It’s not important. We need to figure out what happened, if we can. Autry is gone but I’m going to look for her at dawn.” She hadn’t realized she intended to do that, but now that she said it she knew she had to. She had to try and find her at least. “The study” she said continued “Lets talk in there. Its warmer, and we have food. It looks like its still several hours until daylight so we shouldn’t leave now anyway.”