“We’ve got a new assignment for you.” “Give me one second…” “…Time is of the essence on this one.” “I can’t aim with your voice buzzing in my ear.” [i]Click[/i] “Ok, got him. You may speak.” “…Excellent shot, Malone, I really didn’t think you’d hit him from that distance.” “Time is of the essence?” “Right. Listen up…” Eryn Malone carefully placed her sniper rifle back in its case as she listened to her superior give her the details of her next assignment. His voice was clear and close through the earpiece as if he were standing right next to her. “Your next target is another “keeper of the peace.” She works for a different private security company and has orders to assassinate our client. Our client, understandably, wants her out of the picture.” “What do we know about her?” “Not much, other than she must be highly trained to be going after such a large target. We have a visual, but it’s poor quality. Check your phone.” Eryn glanced down at the device to see it light up with a new message. She opened and squinted at the blurry image. “You call this a visual?” “I told you it was poor quality. Taken from a home security camera. You’ll just have to manage. Delete it as soon as you’ve got it memorized.” The agent sighed and tucked her phone back into her pocket. “Already done. What’s the address?” she asked lazily, picking up the rifle case and heading downstairs to catch a cab. “Listen Malone, I know you’re the best of the best but don’t take this new assignment too lightly. She’s not a sitting duck like the targets you’re used to. We may have actually found a match for you.” “Yeah, we’ll see about that. Give me the address.” Within a few hours, Eryn was lounging at a hotel bar downtown, idly sipping her drink. She was dressed to kill – both in the literal and metaphorical sense. A black, form-fitting dress hugged her curves and came up high on her thighs, but still managed to conceal several blades and throwing knives. Her heels were dangerous too, each containing blades that she could release with just a tap of her foot. Her hair, which was normally pulled back into ponytail, fell down onto her shoulders in a cascade of auburn curls. She’d already turned down a few men and a woman who had been brave enough to offer her a drink. She’d been tempted by the last one, but she [i]was[/i] here on business after all… Still, she couldn’t help but make eyes at a pretty blonde at the opposite end of the bar. The hotel itself was very upscale. Eryn had been surprised when her boss gave her the address. Even the taxi driver had given her a double take, as if trying to recognize her as some celebrity or athlete or big name politician. Those were the kind of people that stayed at the Palazzo Hotel, with its high-rise towers and gold-plated décor. Whoever was paying her target to stay here was wealthy indeed. Eryn glanced at the time on her phone and then back at the hotel’s entrance. It was almost 10 o’clock pm, and she had yet to see anyone who remotely resembled the blurry picture of the young woman her boss had sent her. She ordered another drink and continued to sit patiently among the crowd of glamorous suits and gowns. Perhaps she had already missed the target and would have to come back to the bar tomorrow night. She glanced at the blonde again who winked at her. It wouldn’t be such a terrible thing to spend an extra night… [i]Better give it just a little while longer,[i] she thought to herself smirking flirtatiously at the other woman. [i]”She could walk through that hotel lobby at any moment. Maybe even stop for a drink.”[/i] Whether she showed up tonight or not, it was probably better not to get distracted in the mean time. Better to stay focused. Time was of the essence on this one, after all.