As he woke smoke began bellowing from the steam engines that helped move his rather heavy armor. The first sense that triggered was a emptiness. He reached out magically to connect and re-awaken the several hulking engines of death that were under his command merely seconds ago. Nothing, Not even his ever loyal cankerworms were within his grasp. Keeping his surroundings in mind he calmly reached for the two metal cages that rested around his waist. One contained several souls of those he had collected in order to continue providing necrotite to his steam core, the other his own soul that provided him his immortality. While risky to carry to the Cygnar invasion, the other lich lords would surely seek it out if had left it in skell, if not them a servant lich may become ambitious enough to try and usurp him. [i]An all too familiar scenario, aye Asphyxious?[/i] Mumbling softly to the soul that rested in his spear "Silence fool I need, not sarcastic remarks from one who could hardly defend himself." Hearing the grunts and voices he turned to face others who seemed equally confused by the sudden change in surroundings. Many had arrived some earlier others still asleep, None wearing the colors of any faction that he recognized, except for three, and only one may have had any idea as they were whom he was besieging. Adressing saber "You, Cygnar fool, what kind of wretched place have you brought me too, and why did you bring two Khador brutes with you?" pointing to Vash and Hikonin. This seemed beyond Cygnar magic or Khador's for that matter however it was more likely the Scholars were responsible for this mess then anything the frozen north could muster.