[i]Meridan Con. Security Division, 1030 hrs, Meridan Con. Los Angeles Head Quarters[/i] "There's still one missing. I thought the attack was quelled, Officer Davies?" The woman took another drag of her E-Cig, breathing in the zesty aroma. Lemonade, was what the name of the flavor was. She stood imposingly, looking out the window onto the busy streets of the LA CBD. The gruff man behind her stood motionless, wearing fatigues and looking slightly concerned. "Well, most of the affected devices were reclaimed, and Cloud services were shut down in all affected areas. The Eastern Seaboard Warden Servers did a good job of-" ""Irrelevant. The fact of the matter is, there is still a danger. If that one drone gets into a critical mainframe... Have you tracked it down yet?" "Yes, but the signal has been lost. We're sending a team now, Ma'am." "Good. Oh, and Davies?" The woman turned around and looked him in the eye. "No witnesses." ____ [i]The Moulin Rouge, Cloudscape, 0835 hrs[/i] Jimmie sat, watching the party goers do their thing, and lamented on his first times in the Cloud. Good times, indeed. But for now, he wasn't here to have fun. Kenneth was coming, and he needed help. At least Kenneth knew the best source of information around here. As Kenneth approached, Jimmie nodded cheerfully, and addressed him. "same here, it's good to see you're still kicking around these days. What did you need?" ____ [i]Bar None, Cloudscape, 0905 hrs[/i] Another was required. That much could be ascertained. There was still much preparation to do. Hopefully, the boy had completed his mission, and passed on his task. He had grown to be quite useless, towards the end, and there was a feeling that there were others much more suited to the task. Until another could be found with the necessary skills to complete this task, it was more prudent to learn as much as possible. With the failed attempt prior though, it became necessary to be low key. Subtle. Donning a preferred avatar (An Egyptian pharoahess, with jewels and a magnificent golden head band), it was time to find another.