[quote=Prince] You serve several very valid points to which I mostly agree with. The one that I do firmly disagree with is the thought that you countered 'grandfathering in' a rule which was only conflicted post character creation by stating the rule you intended on me breaking was that this is to be an invite-only roleplay. [/quote] As per my PM to you, we never intended on you "breaking" that rule. Instead, it was clearly stated that, " If a spot opens, we will decide whether we add you to our roleplay," should you fix your character to meet the story we created. We never guaranteed that you would be given a spot anywhere, even if you did fix your character to meet our full expectations. [quote=Prince]What I mean to say here is that I do not see an issue that arises that only exists due to the creators or moderators or something should be something to be used 'against' the admittance of an individual or a character within a roleplay. Additionally, you did make undeniable claims that I might have a spot in this and honestly I'm not upset about that. What irks me is that I feel a character here has been denied and a roleplayer not involved solely due to something at the fault of the moderators. I don't find that fair whatsoever. [/quote] Given as this was a closed roleplay, and that you would have only been allowed to join our universe if we chose for you to join. Again, we said, (paraphrased), "you can join if you fix your character, we will decide whether we want to add you later at our discretion" over PM and thread posts. The rule was not created in any way as to exclude you, as it would have affected another invited character as well. The idea that an external player could demand to be grandfathered into a rule change is ridiculous, especially when one considers how intrusive that is to the universe we sought to create for our invited players. [Quote=Prince]Lastly, I could have easily been an addition to your circle of friends. Events like this only limit your already limited pool.[/quote] Our pool is as limited as we choose it to be, and taunts like this are worth no effort of defense. Rather, Your demanding attitude and air of self entitlement are making our other guests uncomfortable. (Kiddo, your words, though no longer present, were right on the money.) In the end, it comes down to this. You were inspired to make a character after reading the clause of our roleplay. The traits of your character conflicted with the story and environment we created for our characters, and, after a pending invitation was offered with a note that true acceptance would ultimately be at the GM's discretion. Instead of conforming your character to the environment we sought to create, you instead fought to conform the roleplay to the character you sought to play. In regards to your PM, you have become [I]that guy,[/I] and as a person attempting to enter a closed roleplay, that will not be tolerated. As a previous GM, you should have known and respected the fact that the GMs' word is final. Due to your behavior, your character is now officially declined, no matter what changes you make beyond this point. The audacity that you have expressed in attempting to force the GMs to allow Niccolo is atrocious, and have forced Scout and I to come to this conclusion: as you have proven that neither you nor your character can mesh with our group, you are dismissed from and no longer welcome in this discussion of our closed roleplay. I pray you find better luck elsewhere. As for everyone else, I apologize that you all had to experience this conflict. I want to offer a warm welcome to Kiddo, and I look forward to seeing the concepts you come up with. Instructor bios will be up soon!