[b][u]Teige. Rutgun Drinkwell. 16:45.[/b][/u] [i]Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.[/i] A pointy ear, its auburn colored skin gradated from top to bottom into a lighter color, twitched. [i]"... So there he was, looking at me with these huge eyes..."[/i] Another twitch, and the ear lightly changed its direction. [i]Psst! Fizz...[/i] One sigh came from her luscious lips, the warm breath fogged up the glass of water she had brought up to her lips. She set down the glass on the thick, dirt-colored table and lifted her gaze to look at the ceiling light. Her big black eyes reflected the light, the shape and brightness of the incandescent bulb seen clearly even on such a reflection. Long, beautifully curved eyelashes were batted as she blinked numerous times, and looked down at her left wrist. She scrunched up her adorable, soft nose in feigned disgust once she remembered a fact--She hadn't brought a clock. "Well... Damn." She spoke in an exasperated tone, her words rolled effortlessly out of her lips, words dripping wet with nearly tangible sweetness. She lifted a hand to her face and swiped one of her bright autumn colored leaves towards the side of her face, so that it outlined the sharp femininity of her jaw. She then caressed her biggest leaf-- Growing right out the top of her forehead, it lifted several inches into the air in a nice swooping curve and fell far down her back, stopping just above her tail bone. The rest of her leaves were shorter and thinner, growing longer and wider the closer they were to the back of her had and spine, but never even half of her biggest leaf. Though soon, a door opened somewhere on the other side of the establishment, and with it came the sounds of a group of people filing into the [i]Rutgun Drinkwell[/i]. Her lithe body twitched in eager excitement, head quickly turned to see the visitors--visitors that still weren't her expected 'dates', so to speak. Clearly, she wasn't expecting a great night and the outfit she was wearing, a standard ULSS off-duty uniform, reflected that. So with a sigh of disappointment, the autumn colored plant woman went back to waiting and listening.