Lorenzo was trying to come up with a plan to try and overpower her but the unfortunate thing he forgot was that she was a spider women, hence she is meant to have more then two legs at her disposal. a fact that Lorenzo realized to late as Lorenzo growled loudly feeling himself loose his balance and in the instant after he saw the venom claw of the jurugomo aimed for his face he lifted his gauntlet hand up in front of his face to once again block the woman's claw. The gauntlet although not the true supreme commanders gauntlet as his fathers it was still just as strong to handle her venom claws. gripping her clawed hand for a moment to block he then opened his wings and flew over the woman or to be more accurate he used his wings to give him a jump boost and once he was behind her he infused his blade with the power of wind so to double the slicing power as he brought his sword down in hopes of getting her and aiming for her exposed neck....