I don't know if any of you guys remember me, but I'm Izaak Grey, starter of the original Destroy the Godmodder thread on the old site. It got abandoned after a while, but now with the new site I'm starting over. Rules/tips! [*]No character sheets or anything like that required.[/*] [*]Attacks can be completely random, and they don't need to make sense.[/*] [*]Don't double post.[/*] [*]No god-modding or anything of the like of your own. I'm the godmodder, I'm the only one allowed.[/*] [*]If you want to summon an entity to help you take out the godmodder, go ahead and go through a summoning process! Seriously consider it, in my time as a fighter against the 'Modder on another forum, it was extremely helpful.[/*] [*]This'll take time, be patient.[/*] [*]Try not to make your attacks to overly complex. This happened the last time I did this and I stopped finding an entertainment value in the whole thing. It bogs me down and I don't like to respond.[/*] As the site improves in all of it's wonder, I'll hopefully make this whole thing a bit more complex (as it was last time). Go ahead and attack. Godmodder: 100/100