Real name: Leena O'Connel Hero Name: Bomber Powers: Leena can create/generate, shape and manipulate explosions, a rapid increase in volume and release of energy in an extreme manner. She does this by being able to generate extremely high temperatures and quick control of gases in the surrounding air, causing explosions that range from mild shock to annihilating. However, she must be careful because she is not immune to the outcome and side effects of the explosions. Leena has mastered the ability to propel herself foreward without hurting herself and (usually) those around her. This gives her much higher than average speeds. Her weakness is that she can only use her power either in short bursts, or one huge explosion but must wait for her ability to regenerate. Also she is not very physically strong. Appearance: [hider=Leena][img=][/hider] History: No one really knows how Leena got her powers, but they developed somewhere around her 16th birthday (Her being 22 now). Not being able to control her own powers, any sudden movements would set it off in inexpiable ways. Once she propelled herself into the sky, only surviving because she landing in a tree. Another time she destroyed her younger brother's bike. When she accidentally blew up her entire house, her parents abandoned her. They convinced her that staying behind would be the right thing to do, and that she should think of other people's safety. Since then she has been working to master her powers while at the same time cursing them for ruining her life. Personality: Leena, just liker her power, is very explosive. When she is happy, she is extremely happy, and when she is angry, she is extremely angry. Anything could set her off, be it a comment or weird look given by a stranger. She has a very short fuse and a very bad temper to match. However, with her close friends she is sarcastic and funny. She also respects strength and loyalty, always looking out for her loved ones. Equipment: None, although she always caries around a pack of cigarettes and a lighter.