[quote=Card] Alright. Here's what I'm thinking. I'm going to cut back on the hiders soon, I think. Your posts will soon no longer have to be in hiders, and less information of mine will be in hiders. The use of hiders may be making your experience a bit more tunneled than expected, and cutting back on it may be a better idea. If you could drop in your input before I make a decision, it'd be appreciate it. I won't demand it; I just want to know how everyone else is feeling about the issue. [/quote] My personal ideal would be to have the majority of information given to us be available to everybody, with hiders only being things that should be kept secret specifically for the advancement of plot. For example, if I'm in a room, and another player is in the same room, I'd rather be aware of this, and have neither of our sections be in hiders. Unless, however, that player happens to be assassinating me or someone I am involved with. Similarly, if I am across the country from someone, I'd still enjoy reading about what that character is doing. As long as it doesn't specifically relate to [i]my[/i] character, reading their actions will have very little—if any—effect on my own decisions. It may be true that as a player, if I know another player is in the same room as me, I might be more inclined to have my character interact with that other character. However, I keep my character consistent as much as possible, and so hopefully we'll be trustworthy enough not to break the suspension of disbelief. Of course, you are the Game Master here, and any decision you make in the end I will support. I am interested and invested in this RP either way, and will do my best to make it work for you and for my colleagues. :D