The first observation Kino made as he saw Jhino react was that he reacted defensively to his name simply being called out. It made him wonder if all shinobi seasoned by war would react like this. He recalled that the instructors in his classes often only knew the basics themselves, so thought that these shinobi would be an entirely different breed. It was quite a bit to consider and made him wonder how he should address people in the future. Afterwards, Jhino made a note to quickly reply to him, stating he had no idea he was on a team. Albeit, Jihno quickly affirmed that he was using both of their papers. The thought that he hadn't even fully read the letter wasn't precisely encouraging, but Kino kept in mind that Jhino most likely didn't know that the purpose of this meeting was to assign them their teams. ----- [indent][i]"You waste time atop this ivory tower, young Hokuzki. Below is an Uchiha without a sharingan and a Genin with a unique power; they are your team, and you are Team Moon,"[/i] said a voice atop the tower beside of Agini. It was none other than his prompter, Shin Uzumaki. In his voice, there was a layer of domination. Intimidation. It was as if raw chakra escaped his mouth as words flowed freely from it. Although it was unlikely Agini would know who it was, the fact that his voice could send shrills down the spines of even Jounin and that he could not be sensed by the Hozuki was easily enough to put most shinobi on guard. [i]"I will say this once to you before I say it to all of you. Your team is made not to teach the Genin, but to teach you two Chuunin. You must learn to co-operate and toss aside your pride. That Genin is one of the most promising in the village, and he has no Kekkei Genkai while both you and the Uchiha have powerful Hiden and the potential for one. If you let that Genin die, I will personally hunt you down and kill both of you. The Genin himself is much like you two as well, so you will break him of it as you break yourselves of it. No shinobi wins a war alone. I know. I watched Sai die trying."[/i][/indent] ------ Kino could only chuckle upon hearing what Jhino told him. Agini was in plain site atop the roof; Kino had seem him as he entered the pavilion. He had surmised that Jihno must have been at the pavilion for a decent amount of time for him to not have noticed Agini. Kino quickly retorted, [i]"Agini Hozuki, our third team member, is sleeping on the roof. I rarely get in the way. Literally. I fight from a distance and shoot with a bow. Most of the time, it is others who get in my way."[/i] Kino then grinned before he jerked his neck to the side, letting it pop a little. He then added, [i]"No one has died from one of my arrows yet... but I also haven't been in combat yet, either."[/i]