The boys deep contemplative thought betrayed little except his concern over his father, the demon though, with room readied for bed, now took to sitting at the window ledge, one might think that with the depth of the windowsill being little more than a hands length that balance would be nigh impossible and yet the faux butler sat there without a wobble or seemingly any strain. One leg crossed over the other and his head rest against the window frame as he watched his little master struggle with a decision that took most humans naught but a few seconds to come to. A human usually used him for all they could and why not? At the end of the contract he took the only part of them that lived on -aside memories- and fed off it to keep himself alive, or what demons called life anyway. However this one struggled, was it due to the fact that the demon looked human? Or that demons in general had not been seen or heard of, other than in fairy tales, for hundreds of years? Ultimately Illiendi didn't care but it did make his new little master a curious creature. As the master at length spoke but with a faint hint of uncertainty in his voice the demon remained silent, the man given time to speak his piece and when he seemed done the demon spoke up, his voice like the crackling fire, warm and inviting but not without it's danger, "[b] My Master[/b], I am your sword and shield, I am your quill, I am whatever you need to be, you should not hesitate so much at the idea of using me." However with his next sentence Illiendi's smooth honey like tones returned as if the first sentence had never been uttered, "I have the details needed, what sort of servant would I be if I did not? You have been planning this trip for over a year, saving the money yourself from your allowance to pay for it without causing your father any 'shame' and to prove your worth as a man capable of managing his own affairs. You purchased me with the coin but due to the uncertain weather and stormy shores of my home it was hard to tell when I'd arrive. You have had your gear and chosen crew assembled for some months now and the Captain was paid only tonight as he was out at sea until recently, you had the choice of three ships after all two others, The Dancing Lady, another cutter and The Spritely Marlin, a sloop. The latter two's Captains wanted over the top fees and would carry you only as cargo not as master of a voyage, which you were unhappy with. The lateness of the declaration to him comes from the fact you also hoped to find a woman you'd like to call your own but have as such found no fitting match as yet, you have written each of the matches he has selected and will have delivered each letter to explain that you will be gone some time on a trip. Obviously the pirate island is not the final destination, we will be crossing the Dragon's Tail and voyaging close to the Shadow lands." A particularly unknown part of the world, many have voyaged there but due to treacherous seas, wild animals and apparently savages few have made it back with their minds or lives in tact. "Likely crossing over from Drakin into the Shadowlands themselves once we meet your contact -which has taken several months to establish- there." Illiendi paused to watch his master, to take account of his features, "The food preparations are of course last minute to stave off any rot too early into the travel and as for what he will get out of this, if we are successful we will be returning with more than just fools gold, of which you will happily share a percentage of your find and the glory with your family and the household. Though upon your successful return you will be opening your own business and moving out the familial home so you might find your name for both your own pride and the pride of your family. If he questions what it is you hope to find out there you can tell him that there are stones that make diamonds look like pebbles and animals so wild that they make tigers look like rats. The women out there are nubile and they have ways with plants and herbs that your medicinal experts can only dream of and that is just the start."