Dranger sniffed Lupa and walked around her, Ruri looked at her and nodded. "I picked up your scent as well but not until you got closer to the town. The Wind blew in the my direction." Ruri looked at Dranger and peered at him, he quickly backed away from Lupa. She knew what Dranger was thinking, he was getting ready to start some trouble. Nothing bad but wolves being wolves she guessed. "My name is Ruri and this is Dranger." He barked and Ruri grabbed her hand and shook it, But Ruri pulled her in close, she got very close to her hair and smelled her. Then let go and stepped back and bowed to her. She recognized an the scent of an Alpha she was just as ancient as she was. Most werewolves don't love to be as old as the them. They get to cocky and think the world owes them something or just do bad thing to get hunted and killed. It was a hard life for werewolves nowa days but its the cycle. Ruri smelled that smell of living death again, she got angry but calm down when she realized it was not the same smell as before. Then he arrived. The smoke was his cigarette made Ruri snarl. She hated all smoke, her body was pure and. She didn't need something smelling as awful like that going in her lungs. She turned to carson as he explained that they were now waiting for one more a human male. And Ruri did have some questions, "Two questions, First will Dranger be allowed on the grounds in my presence and two what will we be doing in this... "agency"?"