Marcos laughed a bit when the captain insulted men. "I just came from a slave ship, so I have an excuse. I was around Pars a few times. It rubbed off onto me," he remarked. Marcos smiled and nodded when the captain told him to help Nolan clean. "That won't be a problem. I can begin repaying my debt immediately, then," he replied, before following the cook, Nolan. They came to a station that obviously was for washing dishes. When told he would be drying the dishes, he nodded and said, "Sounds fine. It's a step up from previously cleaning out the defecations of those aboard. Disgusting job." Marcos would wait until he was finished before grabbing a Haran apple. He took the plate and dried it to the best of his ability, until it was like a slaver's sense of humor, and set it down neatly. He would stack all of the dishes he would dry in neat groups. "I believe you. The crew seems like a good group of people, illegal as their profession might be. I didn't think the captain would let me join, to be honest. I believed she would've kicked me off the ship. Literally, kicked me back into the water. Instead, she let me join, and even helped tend to my wounds." After a few moments, Marcos spoke again. "I want to thank you for helping me up, earlier today. It's the first friendly act that I can remember someone acted upon me. You didn't have to help me. You used a good amount of manpower on me that could have been used for something else. Something more important. It may seem mundane, but it really does matter to me. The crew, especially you, saved my life. So, thank you." Marcos dried another dish before turning to Nolan, smiling. "If you ever need help with a task, big or small, just tell me to help and I will."