It appeared everyone was departing to handle their own business before bed. So, the captain decided to wander out the galley and to the main deck for a bit to gaze at the stars. She climbed up to the crow's nest, wandering past the few on the deck. Her attention turned to the sea, but seeing nothing endangering them she continued looking up at the stars. She ended up dozing off up in the crow's nest, but realizing it was getting cooler, she woke up and slid down one of the ropes, jumping down silently and heading to her quarters and passing out there instead. [Center][img][/img][/center] The captain woke up as the sun rose. She was always an early bird, so waking up early was no problem for her. After getting freshened up, and putting the new eyepatch on that Kai found, she was out resting on the main deck. She waited for everyone else to wake, but in the meantime she did what she did best. Surprisingly enough, with the status of being captain- what she did best was lazy about. [Center][Img][/img][/center] And right on time, as the sun rose and morning was in full set, the News Coo came in. The news bird flew past and dropped the paper down. The wind shifted, and the paper's course went toward the water..or to get stuck in the sail. "Uh oh." To get her blood pumping for the morning, she climbed up to the yardarm, the horizontal piece that the sail got tied to, and balanced on that. It was probably pretty dangerous, but with her acrobatic ability, she easily balanced on her toes. It was only more dangerous when the wind picked up, but luckily for her she managed to catch the paper as it flew by. "And down I go~" She skilfully climbed down and landed right on the main deck. "News is here!" She called out to the crew (whether they were there or not) as she skimmed through it. Nothing ever interested her in the news, so she just tossed it aside and looked ahead. Waterdeep was just a few hours away so they had plenty of time to get ready and be at leisure. *** "So we can split up when we get there- at least after we have everything checked off. Danny and Marcos can worry about their tattooing. Someone help Nolan with restocking if he needs the help. And so forth. We can meet back around late noon. It'll give you plenty of time for necessities and then you know free time. By that time, we can also look for Kai's flag. We can do that first actually...well we'll work out the details." She discussed this through breakfast with the crew. Runa sat back after her small spill and looked at everyone. "Clear enough for you? I'm sure a bunch of adults can handle themselves. It's not like you really need me to tell you how things need to be done. She held up the newspaper and flipped through it once more. This time, something caught her eye. "Waterdeep. One of world's best ports, is at an all time low... Hmm, how about that. Hopefully that doesn't get in the way of our plans." She shrugged and tossed the paper to the next person who wanted it. It didn't give any detail to what it was about so she didn't think too much of it. At the moment, she was trying to figure out what to do to pass the few hours before they hit the next town. There was fishing, sparring, maybe doing some redecorating, reading, all that. The captain just had to figure out what to do. Well that couldn't be too complicated. And if it was, the next best thing was sleep until they got there.