[u] Torval [/u] Ta'fel and his army watched the city of Torval. "Hmm..." Ta'fel said while observing Torval "Catapults, strike the gate on Ta'fel's command! And after the gate is open, Ta'fel only wants you to fire if neccesary, like last time, Yes? And men, do not kill innocents." "Yes sir!" The army yelled, acknowledging Ta'fel's commands. "Good..." Ta'fel waited a few moments, the catapults were loaded and then Ta'fel yelled "FIRE AT THE GATE!" Ta'fel roared while him and the majority of men charged towards the city, the others stayed behind to protect the siege equipment. As Ta'fel and his men charged towards the city, volleys of arrows were landing around them and hitting some of the men, but as they reached the city, the gate had been broken by a rock and they charged in striking down hostile threat. Ta'fel captured the towns mayor and threw him and other southern soldiers in the prisons [u]Governor Militant[/u] Ab'Farahn arrived at the Governor Militants soldiers, he approached them and was taken to him, he met the Governor Militant and said "The peace has failed. Ab'Farahn was told to inform you to start the contingency plan. This one would assume you would know what that is. Ab'Farahn would like to talk more, but we are in a hurry and must win the war, the High Elves and Argonians will send soldiers to the South. Ab'Farahn wants to know what the contingency plan is."