Whitney wondered if she had fallen asleep while watching TV. This was definitely not her home, or any other place she knew, for that matter. So the most logical assumption was that she was in a dream. In an extremely vivid dream where everyone wandered around without knowing anything and where there were no cute normal type Pokémon. Quite an annoying dream. Whitney attempted to wake up. She could not. She tried again and failed again. For her, there was only one logical assumption. Darkrai, the nightmare Pokémon, had captured her inside the dream! Whitney started to weep hysterically. [i]I don’t want to die inside a stupid stupid STUPID dream of some stupid Pokémon! I’m too young to die, I still have many cute Pokémon to meet and many battles to win! Am I going to see my team my team never again? Oh wait, my team![/i] Whitney realized that her Pokémon’s pokéballs were all safely with her. She was so relieved that managed to stop crying and panicking. [i]I guess that if this is the dream of Darkrai, it should be there somewhere. Maybe if I can find and win it I can wake up! I need to ask people of this dream if they know where Darkrai is.[/i] Whitney looked around for a bit and noticed a girl which had a pink hair, just like her. That made her look like easily approachable, so she decided to talk her. “Do you happen to know where I could find Darkrai from?”