Mokou blinked a few times, wondering why exactly everything was so [i]cold[/i]. She'd been fighting Kaguya, that enormous temple ceiling had come out of her pocket somehow, then... nothing. Putting the pieces together made it easy enough to work out exactly what had happened: she'd been hit over the head with a seamless piece of wood big enough to cover an entire building, and it had snowed before she woke up. It had been early summer when she went to sleep, but that didn't mean terribly much in Gensokyo; there was that one time spring had been really late in arriving, and then the one where there were flowers everywhere for no reason she'd found out. Snow in summer wasn't something to make a fuss over. Opening her eyes blew this conclusion entirely out of the water: there weren't this many buildings in the Bamboo Forest and the architecture was like [i]nothing[/i] in Gensokyo. Here and there a few buildings would have fit in, but then there were all the grey boxes and the stone constructions... For someone used to traditional Japanese architecture, this was all rather new. People were talking but that wasn't really a concern right now; it was cold and she didn't feel like freezing to death today. She'd once died, gotten caught in a snowdrift, and died again. It had been a very, very dull winter until spring arrived; Mokou had been completely unable to melt it due to not being able to feel any part of her body. Thus, the person with more hair than everyone else present combined climbed to her feet, and set about providing a little warmth. This was by wreathing her whole arm in flames, but it worked--even if a normal person would be rather on fire.