"[i]I am Ba'al, Supreme Commander of the Goa'uld Star Empire.[/i]" Ba'al said. The mention of the words "star empire" triggered flashbacks of another Space Empire, Zangyack, within Nobuo. He began to draw a conclusion. "[i]Could he be the villain we have to face!?[/i]" Nobuo thought. He shook his head. "[i]No! Don't delude yourself! Remember what happened when Mitsuki was out of town? Besides, the villain doesn't just up and reveal himself without bringing mooks! He's probably here as part of the main cast of heroes.[/i]" Nobuo thought. He exhaled. "Wait, Khador? Me?" Nobuo pointed to himself when Asphyxious talked about the Cygars and Khadors. Nobuo has not heard of something like that in his entire life. Nobuo was puzzled by all the new terms that's being thrown his way. However, one struck his mind. "[i]Do you happen to know where I could find Darkrai from?[/i]" Darkrai. Just that name alone is a warning sign of 'here be the villain!', more than the Goa'uld Star Empire. What's more, with a name like that, it could even refer to someone like the main villain. It would be stupid to form an army now and march to Darkrai's Fortress, especially this early on. He's yet to meet people. Might as well get to know his potential allies... [i]If[/i] they're his allies. Still, without his other Akibarangers to back him up, he's gotta find people to ally with. Start with the friendly introduction. "Um!" Nobuo raised his hand. "I say we should introduce ourselves, like how Ba'al," Nobuo pointed to Ba'al. "introduced himself. My name is Nobuo Akagi." He's not sure if he's supposed to reveal his identity, but usually that's a [i]big[/i] no-no. He looked around and notice a girl with her arm on fire. This was concrete evidence that he [i]was[/i] in something... Maybe a different kind of Super Hero Taisen.