[b]Saber[/b] Saber was almost stunned by how the armored creature simply grabbed her face. But her reaction was almost immediate as well. The second she felt his fingers on her flesh, she raised her arm and strongly brushed him away. This... creature felt even more wrong simply trying to touch her, though it still had not outright attacked... It was skeletal, and armored, and it was talking about things that Saber did not understand. He was clearly confused, that was to say the least. She had never heard of any of the things he was mentioning once. Gifted with the knowledge of modern languages(though given where she had been summoned, only modern English and Japanese), she was not aware of any error in her speech. The strange and malevolent air from this creature made her even more wary... and she was tempted to ready Excalibur, suspecting a hostile move at any moment. However, she was rather quickly distracted. A young boy, lost and alone, had stumbled into the scene. Saber paused for a moment, and then approached him. There were too many potential dangers here... and he hardly seemed to possess any sort of ability to defend himself on his own. Especially with the flare of fire nearby... Needless to say it was important to make sure he was safe. "Do not worry, little one, I will ensure you are not harmed," Saber began, extending her free hand to the boy. ---- [b]Jakuzure Nonon[/b] Oh, someone was actually asking questions. Well, so were a lot of people, but at least she was asking questions that seemed to have some kind of direction. The problem was they were asking her, when she had no idea what was going on, and asking about something completely and totally irrelevant. "And now we've got someone who can't even tell reality from fantasy," Nonon commented in response, raising an eyebrow. Seriously, what did that even mean. Darkrai? From Pokemon? How did that have any relevance to this situation? Was this girl just that obsessed with the video game that she was worried about it after getting kidnapped? Jeez, talk about some kind of lunatic. Was she even dressed like one of the gym leaders? Really, Nonon couldn't remember the name but that didn't matter right now. What matters was finding out what was going on here and getting back to Satsuki. ... And the ridiculous skeleton man started insulting her. Actually, trying to insult her because [i]wow[/i]. Bed-wetting? Really? That was the best he could come up with? Nonon folded her arms, turning to face him once more. He talks like some kind of fantasy villain and then tries to make a bed-wetting insult? Oh please. She couldn't even be angry about something as stupid as that. "I don't even think a ten-year-old boy would think that's a good insult," she began, "But I guess if you're a skeleton all your brains must have rotted out too."