Sazh had initially thought this situation was weird, given all the different sparks of speech and style among the people scattered here, but as they all kept going, it only got [i]outrageous[/i]. People talking about being supreme commanders, trying to figure what snow was, or not even doing anything besides, well, [i]setting their own arms on fire[/i]. But at the same time, people were starting to come up with theories, determining that this place was not any of the worlds each of them came from. Among the many foreign and varied buildings off in the horizon, Sazh could make out what might have been a Sanctum-built business building. It gave Sazh the impression that, hell, this might be a mix-up of several very different worlds; by extension, perhaps this place wasn't actually real, or at least wasn't [i]supposed[/i] to be real. Which left only the million-gil question left: Why were they here? Unfortunately, that wasn't going to be an answer they were going to get anytime soon, by just sitting around and hoping somebody has an answer. Not that there wasn't someone who perfectly knew why these individuals were here, but in Sazh's experience, it usually ended up being the thing that eventually tried to [i]kill you[/i], as well as the thing that you had to go incredibly out of your way to find. So, in the meantime, Sazh and everyone else was stuck here with no firm answers, and no particular fondness to anyone else. And wasn't that just fan[i]-freaking-[/i]tastic? "Kweh! Kweeeeh!" The chick peeped from its afro nest, trying to get the old pilot's attention. As Sazh was looking up, he witnessed the plucky little chocobo fluttering around the gathering of people, aiming for what looked to be a young boy. The kid was meekly looking around, stammering for some help as any lost, lonely child would. Sazh lightly shrugged again, tilting his head in indifference to the chocobo's attraction in and of itself. Plus, one of the women, clad in some sort of bulky, plated armor, had already moved in to grant her chivalry. Still though, he paced forward in preparation to give whatever aid he could to the boy and the lady. God knows nobody should have to endure being in this situation on their own, as young as that boy was. Misery loves company, after all. The l'Cie couldn't help but give a clever smile to himself. The mighty, determined soldier girl and the lost, frightened boy. He was getting flashbacks to Lightning and Hope already, back when they had all first met. Maybe this wouldn't be so foreign after all. "I think we're all a little lost, here," Sazh carefully coaxed the pair's attention, the older man aware of his chocobo chick trying to warm up with the child, letting out gleeful 'kweh's and sweeping around the boy's head with soft, cheerful intent. "If you don't mind the company, we can all be lost together. Heh..." A hand came up to rub at the back of Sazh's neck as he trailed off, craning his sight off to the side to observe the horizon of buildings. Inadvertently, Sazh was exposing his silver-blurred l'Cie brand to the two in the process, which seemed to briefly glow more defined with orange light. Hearing the male teenager's announcement, the older man turned back to the woman and child, his face still in the neutral guise he had twisted into while trailing off. "Well, how about that? My name's Sazh. Sazh Katzroy."