Spain let the two men scuffle over the tickets, France managing to pay for the three of them before Prussia could finish opening his wallet up. Well, if they wanted to pay their way, she wasn't going to stop them. Free stuff for her, with gratitude to the one who was paying, like scratching the previous thought of tossing mud at Mr. Fancy Pants' clothes. "Gracias, SeƱor Tirano," Spain said sarcastically as she took the ticket from France, bowing lowly in a drastic manner. "How ever could I repay such a burdening debt?" Of course France was telling Prussia that they didn't really need to repay him, but Spain had to be sarcastic anyway, because it was France and being a total snot to him was always fun. She shrugged up at Prussia before trotting up ahead following France. She passed through the machines and openings, stepping onto the platform full of business people and other people of Denmark. The taller Frenchman just had to crack a joke about losing her in the crowd, causing her to pull a face at his back. "To find this conquistador, just follow the bodies writhing on the floor!" she snarked back, stepping aside one citizen as he almost barreled her over, but she never lost sight of France's fat head. "Besides you're like a beacon of hope in this chaos. You stick out like a flashy stripper's pole." Of course she would just find her own way to the correct train if she got separated from the others- she wasn't incompetent, despite what everyone else thought. She could take care of herself, much like Prussia could take care of his own problems or France with his unless it became too much for one person to handle. She spotted the correct train, looking back to make sure Prussia was still following before grabbing France's sleeve to get his attention. "It's that way," she said, pointing over to the right one. "Come on, I can feel my twelve cans of energy drinks dwindling and I need someplace comfy to crash on so I have energy to get ridiculously drunk."