[b]Agent Aiden of the Renshi, Servant of the Dominion. 27th of Midyear Alinor, Summerset Isles, Capital of the Dominion.[/b] Aiden had been aiding the temporary Arch-Mage all day with her studies, and he had to admit that he was becoming genuinely interesting in her research, not just as an informer for the Thalmor. Nearly the whole day had been spent organizing and preparing the various things they had ordered for such a risky and experimental ritual. It was slow work, but Aiden knew his patients would pay off soon enough. It was while cracking open one of many crates did he see one of the largest black soul gems he was sure existed. Spotting it, the Arch-Mage rushed over excited. “Ah yes, it’s here! Good.” She smiled brightly to the soul gem, picking it up and holding it in her hands. It was during this brief serene moment that once more Aiden felt his heart yearn for her, and he was forced to look away from her. Deep down the Altmer felt bad wittingly betraying this beautiful and brilliant young mer to the Thalmor, but such things must be done for the good of the realm. “How long do you think it’ll be before we are ready?” Aiden asked cautiously, sure that his pressing at any time could be too much. Yet still she would answer him, trusting in him completely. “Oh, it shouldn’t take too long; I don’t think, we will just need immense amounts of power to be funneled all at once, requiring many Mages. Hopefully we can finish it before the High King returns.” She spoke wistfully, approaching her arcane table and looking over her supplies. Though Aiden did not realize it, but the young Arch-Mage would still looks at her Steward as well, and strong was their feelings for each other. “Who will be the one infused with such terrible power?” Aiden asked, realizing suddenly he did not know. It was now that Valina would grow quiet, and seem to dodge his questions with practice ease. “Admiral Orthos probably, or perhaps Aelid himself. Who really knows? My job is to get it working, not care who for.” She spoke. The Steward wanted to ask more, yet there was work to be done. Trying to distance himself from his thoughts, Aiden would being preparing a massive circle in a specialized chamber, the circle made of seal salt and ground soul gems. The transfusion would be ready soon. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]The Lord Regent Nelron of The Aldmeri Dominion 27th of Mid-Year Alinor, Summerset Isles, Capital of the Dominion[/b] The old and wizened wizard sat heavily on the old throne, and he could more sense than feel his connection to life slipping, yet could not find a reason why. He was beginning to wonder if it was simply his extremely old age beginning to catch up with him. The Justicar Revin had been heavily involved in the court as of late, taking on more and more responsibilities as the Regent declined in health. Nelron shook his head and decided it was time he does something with his Regency, himself. He coughed and slowly breathed in painfully before speaking to his court; “I have received word from The High King Aelid that we are not to fire upon the Maormer unless done defensively. It appears our High King would wish to deal with this diplomatic relations personally, and as such we must pursue a isolationist policy or now.” Revin seemed disgusted by this, and his hatred for the Maormer was well known. Still the Justicar would remain quiet and keep his peace, and for this Nelron was thankful. He nodded to a courier who carried out the will of Aelid, and soon the Official Relations of the Aldmeri Dominion was one of simply Non-Aggression with these Maormer, at least until the High King returned to further revise it. Yet Nelron wasn’t done in his rulings, despite the fact that his strength was waning. “Furthermore, it appears The High King would have us send a Dominion Representative as well as a squad of Battle-Mages to be sent to Orsinium immediately. Strange news, indeed.” Spoke Nelron with a raised eyebrow at the strangeness of sending Altmer to Orsinium. The Elder Regent wasn’t sure why Aelid would send these Emissary’s there, but he trusted in his High King, unlike others In his court. He shifted his gaze uneasily to the slippery Revin. [b]Actions: -Arch-Mage Valina is preparing the Transfusion Ritual now! -Dominion Relations with Maormer are Officially Non-Aggressive. -Representative and Battle-Mages sent to Orsinium![/b]