[indent][b]Elizabeth Berezi Sendoa[/b][/indent] Even when she was ten feet away from the shore, she still felt like she was thousands of miles away from her Father. On a normal day when she would come to talk to her Father, the ocean would feel welcoming. Today it just felt cold. She was shivering when she felt someone shake her shoulder, Elizabeth sat up quickly, expecting it to be someone she knew. It was the son of Hades that was chosen to go on the quest. She almost smiled, he was the last person she'd expected to come and fetch her. "[b]I'm guessing everyone else was too chicken to come and get the 5'2" inexperienced fighter?[/b]" Elizabeth gave a shrug and stood up, her foul moods never stopped her sarcasm. Finding that her footing had been a bit off, she placed a hand on her seeker's shoulder to regain her balance. "[b]Sorry.[/b]" She apologized quickly, not wanting to seem like she was one to lose her balance often. Her previous talk with her father had taken a lot of energy out of her, and she still had a bit of a headache. Elizabeth's wetsuit was still a bit damp, she pulled on her clothes over it anyway. To be polite, she turned so her back was facing the son of Hades, and bent over at the waist. She took out her ponytail and wrung out her hair. When she was done she looked, for the most part, dry and mentally stable. Her hair was drying into small ringlets, even when wet her hair wouldn't straighten. She turned back to face the guy who'd found her. "[b]So,[/b]" She started, her tone showing no signs of the malice it had when she talked to almost everyone else. "[b]Since you are also a child of the big three, I assume you have enough power to contact your father?[/b]" The question might seem a bit off topic to him, but she assumed he could put two and two together. She hadn't come to the beach to find solace, but to talk to her father. The thing about children of the big three was that they were a tad more powerful than those born from any other God. Most other demigods did talk to their Godly parents, but only when their Godly parent contacted them first. Children of the big three, however, could get their parents attention to talk to them. Her curiosity to see if this child of Hades could do the same wasn't uncalled for, it seemed like a probable question that was bound to come up sometime. But now, Elizabeth wanted to know if his father was becoming as powerless as her own. Even though Elizabeth would never admit it, the thought of her father being completely powerless scared her. He controlled the seas and made sure that the monsters that lurked in its depths didn't come out to harm the humans. A gust of wind blew against Elizabeth's back with it came the salty smell of the water she loved. She turned her head so she could look at the receding tide; Elizabeth had expected to see something, but there was nothing to see. If he was able to, surely her father would have contacted her by now. She had no such luck. ----- [indent][b]Michael Alexander Malleum[/b][/indent] When Cameron left to go retrieve Elizabeth he gave a sigh, This wasn't working out too well. "[b]Great.[/b]" he muttered, "[b]Now two of them are gone.[/b]" He hoped Chiron wouldn't get angry at them if he came back only to find that both Elizabeth and Cameron were gone. Perhaps Chiron would be too caught up in things to find time to punish them. He turned his attention back to Demelza, the only other demigod who was going on the quest and also liked to listen to commands from superiors. Michael's enthusiasm that came along with going on a quest seemed to dampen with that thought. While they were fighting and traveling would he and Demelza be the only ones making the responsible decisions? Michael sincerely hoped not, but that could be the case. Michael was only responsible because he needed to be. As a cabin leader he had his siblings to take care of, and that was his first priority. Demelza's words brought him back to reality. "[b]Don't tell me you're being serious. You have nothing to be sorry for.[/b]" A smile was on his face now. "[b]And I'm sure my siblings will be fine, just like yours will be too.[/b]" Michael frowned for a moment, thinking of what was bothering him the most. "[b]It's just that prank that was pulled on the armory, I don't know if it was really a prank. That Greek fire destroyed half of our stock, now we are expected to leave camp. And we can't go unarmed. So we'll have to take from our already lessened stock of weapons.[/b]" He took a deep breath. "[b]I'm afraid that we are leaving the camp unprotected.[/b]" He shook his head at the thought. Of course, he was thinking very radically. Not taking rhyme or reason into account. There were many things that protected Camp Half-Blood, armed demigods were just one of the things. "[b]Sorry.[/b]" He apologized, looking back over at Demelza, "[b]I'm talking a lot.[/b]" His previous frown turned itself back into a smile again. "[b]I'm sure everything will be fine while we are gone.[/b]" Michael tried to sound hopeful, but it came out kind of bland. He rubbed the back of his head where a headache was starting to form from him thinking too intently on something. He needed to relax. Michael was a lot of things, and being easily nervous was one of those things. He worried too much, which, in turn, made him stress out too much. He needed to learn how to let things go. But this trait was what made him one of the best cabin leaders. His siblings listened to him, for the most part, and they did what they needed to do. The weapons they created were some of the best that camp had ever seen. This got him to thinking about what weapons they would be taking with them for the quest. He knew that Elizabeth had a trident, but she had put in an order for a new one. Michael preferred his sword to anything else. It was one of the first weapons he had ever crafted by himself and he found that it was the weapon he fought the best with. He didn't know what weapons Demelza or Cameron preferred. He could ask about it later when they packed. "[b]When do you think we'll leave?[/b]" He asked Demelza. They could leave either the next day or the day after, but it was always the sooner the better with Chiron.