France tossed his head at her retort. "I do not see what zhe probleem is with zhat," he declared. He liked to be noticed. Besides, strippers were usually quite beautiful in their own way, no? He had no problem with what they did. He actually enjoyed their talents... Suddenly, there was someone grabbing at his sleeve - the Spaniard. He blinked down at her, before nodding and overdramatically placing a hand at the small of her back - then walking forward. "Zhere is a fatigued lady coming through!" he announced haughtily. Bemused and confused Danes looked over at the tall man escorting a short woman into a train. This was certainly unusual, but not too much so that they shrugged to themselves and continued to board. "Well, zhat was quicker than normal," he commented to her, smirking as they entered.