It took a lot to scare Agini - heck, his dreams would be enough to send seasoned warriors running - but the voice that spoke to him did. I was as if there was a film of strength covering the words, each fell with the echoing force of a drum. What hell had he walked through to come out of the war so hardened? It was so sad. Agi opened his eyes. "Very well," he spoke. Agi then added in a whisper, "But you can't protect another from themselves. I promise nothing." Agi fell from his resting place and to the ground below. Away from the terrible presence, Agi released his Hiden with a shaky breath. The terrible part was that he doubted it would protect him should that man want him dead. At least now he knew what he was supposed to be doing, since the paper that had had all of that information on it had kind of gotten wet. Kind of gotten [i]very[/i] wet. Arms crossed behind his head, Agi walked into the pavilion proper. His eyes picked out his two targets with only a moment's delay. With a sigh, Agi walked over to them. "Hey-lo," his first word came out more like an articulated sigh than a lazily-spoken word. Agi saw that they had a photo of him. "I guess you already know who I am then, but I'll introduce myself anyway. My name is Agini Hozuki, and it's a... pleasure to meet you." Agi's white robes billowed as he bent in a bow, his mind instantly associating the Uchiha with fire. This would be... interesting.