[b][u]Approaching Waterdeep[/b][/u] Nolan stared at Marcos with wide eyes, before a grin spread across the cook's face. "It's not a problem, it's what any normal person would do. I couldn't just leave you dangling there, that would have been cruel. You don't need to repay me, I would have done the same for anybody." He tapped Marcos on the shoulder then began placing the dried up plates in one of the drawers. "Thanks for your help, Marcos, it's appreciated." He began to wipe at the sink with a wet rag. "Well, I'm sure you're tired, it's been a long day and tomorrow we're headed for Waterdeep. I'll handle the rest, you should hit the hay, friend." The cook began fixing things up before eventually exiting the kitchen and heading for bed. Since he had taken a nap prior to cooking everyone dinner, he didn't feel as tired as the rest of his shipmates. He an hour or two reading by a candle before finally deciding to sleep. Nolan had sweet dreams that night and woke up to the sound of cawing birds. Quietly, he exited the room (he didn't want to wake the others up.) and made his way to the deck. Upon arrival, he grabbed a bucket and a mob and began cleaning up a bit. It was best to start the day with hard work. Suddenly, a familiar voice yelled about the news and he turned to look at the captain with a salute and a smile. "You're up early, captain. Anything interesting on the paper?" She tossed it aside, and it wouldn't be hours later until she told them the news. --- "I wonder what's causing problems," his eyebrows creased in concern. It could range from politics to corruption really, so he shrugged it off and continued listening to the captain. "I'm going to pick up a few fruits and vegetables, they're always better fresh but it'll only take a moment. Usually there are always a lot of stalls surrounding ports." Nolan shrugged a little then turned to look at his fellow crew mates. "Luro, Ray, would you mind if I tag along?" He then turned to the captain with a smile. He'd make sure they got back to the ship on time. "Noon, right? Well, you can trust us captain. Are there any errands you'd like to get done? I'd be happy to help."