[quote=TheWindel] Hmmm...,basically what Xalt said since I have no clue about the Fortissimo series. (I shall read the Wiki later)Scary eyes! ಠ_ಠ [/quote] Did I mention anywhere you have to know Fate or Fortissimo for this? Did I say it is a Fandom? No I did not, so why waste your time :p? [quote=Xaltwind] What are Yggdrasil Seeds?[/quote] Those are the powerful artefacts called capable of enhancing your power. They are based off mythology, myths and fairy tales. They are categorized into 3 different kinds: [*]Knight Arms[/*]Well, equipment, so to say. They can be materialized into many different forms ranging from armors over teaspoons to weapons or all at once. They greatly enhance your combat abilities and give you access to powerful [s]true[/s] magic. And with creative I mean I would even allow stuff like [url=http://s1.zerochan.net/Ren.Fujii.600.259697.jpg]this.[/url] Now, that doesn't look like something you simply [i]wear,[/i] does it? [*]Fae[/*]Servants, sort of, imagine it like [s]summoning[/s] creating a copy of a powerful being into this realm. While not set in stone, they mostly do the fightings for you and have their own set of abilities. Or if that helps, imagine it similiar to Fate/ Servants. [*]*Still has to get a name for that*[/*]This gives you a single ability that you are overspecialized into that you wouldn't be capable of otherwise. While of magical nature, a more scientific term would be ESP :P. [quote=Xaltwind]And how do they work?[/quote] Well, what you will get depends on how you use the seed as well the personality of your character and obviously what you would like yourself. What I mean with "how you use the seed"? Simple, Knight Arms can be used by simply wearing it ON your body. You get a Fae by planting the seed and perform a ritual. And for *still has to get a name for that* you simply eat the seed. Also once activated it is attuned to you until you die, meaning no one else can use it and you yourself can't decide to change the form(like from Knight Arms to a Fae). [quote=Xaltwind]Where does the story take place?[/quote] On a bizarre and strange planet called Earth, modern times. On an fictional island which is influenced by japanese culture. [quote=Xaltwind]How does the magic-system work?[/quote] Urgh, see, that's what I mean with I still have to put the information into nice pieces so prepare for a random wall of text with bad grammar! Magic in modern times is a lot weaker compared to the past. Progress through technology, people becoming more aware of everything, doubting believes, logical explanations for the unexplained, all that stuff made magic weaker. Magicians are still not united in how todays magic is working, but there is common ground. Magic is very similar to a computer program, a simple string of 2 states rowed together into logical operations to create wonderful things. Unlike computer programs however, the operations magic can perform defy logic to a extent. That is the basis of todays magic. Now, everything left is making your will clear what you want to do, this can be done through many ways and depends on each individual. A priest could pray to perform simple "wonders" while another person thinks she is a witch and conjures a fireball by strangely waving her hands around. While simple magic may be possible like this, more complicated stuff is a lot harder to do in this way(you had to be a mad zealot for example.) so instead, people are using runes. Runes are wonderful magical circles you can see and allow for relatively swift-casting of more complex magic. The symbols, lines, inscriptions and whatever are what makes the users will clear towards mana and ultimately allows to cast ze magic. Now, how those runes look is entirely different from person to person, one could use a big book where every piece of paper has one rune while another uses a dice and yet another has a Rubik's Cube where he uses a lot of different combinations for a lot of different runes. Since those runes are the accepted standard and many people believe in it there is no problem in casting with runes except very special cases. Secondly, there are 4 states energy can be in: Mana, ???, Ǫnd and Vim. Mana is all around us and as new life is born Mana also gathers into the body of that person. The "basic capacity" differs from individual to individual but can be influenced and changes as life goes on (based on something I am not going to explain now unless asked.) When a mage uses magic they expend they usually use up their own mana, that mana turns into ???. However ,the mana is not lost and the ??? simply turns back into mana over time, duh. Now, when a mage dies their mana is set free and is in the world again, but what about ??? ? ???(All dem question marks!) turns into Ǫnd which is like a cooler form of Mana. Ǫnd stays a while around but as time goes on Ǫnd gets sick of being Ǫnd and turns into Vim, which is like the magical form of nuclear waste! Now Ǫnd can also be used to cast magic and in fact is more potent and powerful than mana and upon using it that way it becomes Vim too. By todays standards, Ǫnd can be stored, but that wasn't the case in the earlier ages. That is also another reason why magic became weaker because Mana became less while Vim increased. [quote=Xaltwind]Since it's "Fate"-like, does that mean we must have Servants/Guardians and Masters? Or are there other ways to fight in Ragnarok?[/quote] I force no one, if you would like to you can have your very own Fae though! I also leave it up to you if you want to play Einherjar and Fae or split that up. Fae are very very loyal to their Einherjar BUT if the story plays out in that direction(as I am the kind of GM who adapts the Story depending on my players choices) the Fae could actually turn against their Einherjar. I know this is a spoiler but I think I should mention it because some people might not like that. [quote=Xaltwind]How many players are you looking for to participate?[/quote] Well, I had no upper limit but as it is going right now...I do plan to fill up some plot-important roles with characters of my creation, I want at least 13 people, NPC or not.