[center] [img]http://i57.tinypic.com/24fn3mr.jpg[/img] [b]Tory Elizabeth Borland[/b] [i]Business Owner | Fourty-Five | Female[/i] [u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] Tory values hard work, honesty, and those crazy nights of her youth with Mr. Jack Daniels. She has never been one to hold her tongue, believing that sometimes the world needs less people tipping around on their toes and more people to tell you how it is. A woman of many strong opinions and the voice to let them be heard, she’s also a woman of fierce loyalty. She puts everything on the table for the ones she cares about and never asks for anything in return except 100% honesty and the respect that she’s worked her ass off to deserve. [u][b]History:[/b][/u] Tory grew up in a modest household, a daughter to a factory worker and a mother who died giving birth to her younger brother only two years after she was born. Tory learned early that women had to fight for what they cared about -- a lesson her four brothers enforced every single day. She often came home with scuffed up knees and bruised cheeks from fights she’d get on the playground when the boys told her that a girl’s place was in the kitchen by their mother’s side. When Tory grew up she never bothered with the college-route, she took a job at the diner she’d be going to her entire life, since her father was shit at cooking -- a diner that she took over when the long-time owner passed. The Blue Plate was Tory’s second home, the staff as much her family the rascals she grew up with. While she never had a thriving love-life never learning to trust too many men with a thing so vulnerable as her heart, Tory invested herself relentlessly into her business. She was known for never turning down a hungry mouth, even opening tabs that she knew would never be paid off when the going got tough for some of her customers; however, Tory always had a eye for children -- a natural maternal instinct, people would joke around about. She took in strays like it was her second business, often time a night’s lodge on her couch turning into an extended stay and a job at her diner. While, she rarely turns anyone down when they are in need of help; Tory has a solid policy of accountability and never seeks to enable anyone in destroying their life. She’s been known to cut people out of her life whose only purpose is bringing all those around them down; however, she fights her hardest to never allow things to get to that point. [u][b]Other:[/b][/u] Owner of the Blue Plate Diner [u][b]Thoughts:[/b][/u] “That kid’s got a good heart… I kept waiting for him to be a pain-in-my-ass, like the rest of 'em, but Dee’s not like that. I enjoy having him around. I just wish that little shit of a roommate didn’t have to screw him out of all his hard work.” -- [i] on Duncan Borland [/i] “I don’t buy into all the kissing babies and princess waves, Zocchi is a cold bastard just like all those prudes with suits. If voting him into office means that I get to see less of those cameramen taking pics of the “down-to-earth guy” at my diner, than reserve me the first spot at the voting booth.” -- [i] on Marcello Zocchi [/i] [/center]