He keeps his flush in check as once more those words cross the demon's lips, making the young human feel as if he is staring into the eyes of danger itself. He lets out a long sigh, a faint lightness in his chest as he moves on to his usual self and turns back to the papers before him. His head is down even as he writes, taking in everything while only writing down prompts for he memory. Little notes and phrases that will later serve to jog his mind into recalling all the facts and plans the demon has for him to use in winning over his father. [i]'He's still pressing the wife thing, but at least he's not exactly asking for a pure lie this time. I have in fact found no woman to my liking, though I have not been looking. It should not be too hard to write letters to the woman father is contemplating, and I shall add in my friend to make it seem a little more realistic'[/i] Amano only has one female companion, however she knows he does not find her appealing in that manner, even if she is a striking beauty. She already has several suitors, and she has often brought the young noble along to help her decide their worth. After all, with his station and his brothers' activities, he has the skinny on almost every young bachelor in town. [i]'She would be willing to pretend, however I do not want her to have to wait for a man she knows she will never have, and having her marry someone else after some false vows would do me no good as well. However, I think this is not too much to ask. I will write her as a friend, and I do believe she will enjoy the letters'[/i] He smiles at the thought of her reading about his travels, listening for word in town about what he is up to from merchants he may meet in his travels and from his own accounts sent back. He swallows hard as Illiendi outlines their journey, knowing in his mind that the demon can more than keep him safe from the dangers, but it does little to settle his heart grown on tales of the horrors awaiting them. [i]'If it is even half as bad as the tales, I know I will come out safe, but I am not so sure on my sanity. . .'[/i] Though he feels the strong pulls of concern, his eyes remain focused on his task of taking account of things. He casts a glance at the demon in his window when he pauses only to look quickly back to the desk after meeting that otherworldly gaze. [i]'What is he looking at? I'm just taking notes. . ..'[/i] He begins taking his notes again, unable to stop his flush as once more he brings up the subject of woman, but as he moves on to speak of herb lore the flush fades and he gets an honest smile. [i]'That would be nice. It could make me the name I wish for, and help people at the same time. Once I start making enough money, I could even help out those who can not afford the higher grades of medicine in secret. . .'[/i] He chuckles at his little plot, fairly sure he looks a little crazy laughing to himself, but for a brief moment, not really caring. Having sat still for so long as soon as the last string of notes are made he stands and begins stretching hid body. Despite the chair providing perfect posture, the hard wood seat makes his spine swiftly stiff and after a few bends and twists audible pops come from his joints. He's never spent much time in the chair before to discover such things about it, however he knows he will only have to put up with it for so long. With a smile to the demon he wanders over to his closet. “The chair has made me stiff. I will break now and see if I can find that scabbard I wanted. . .” He sighs softly as he throws open the doors and looks down at the mess. While his wardrobe holds his clothing, his closet hold seemingly everything else. [i]'My box of precious things is in here as well'[/i] he muses, falling to his knees to begin his search.