[quote=Lalliman] I'm imagining this wacky scene where both of them are trying to stab a guy, but they keep parrying each other's stabs because they both want to be the one to claim the reward, so no one is actually hitting him and he's just going DAFUQ. [/quote] Azoth is a poison master, he uses swords as well BUT, this is a HUGE ASS important party, killing someone with a weapon would only cause panic and chaos a (stupid/ amateur) Assassin would kill foolishly like that (trough pro's tend to think more XD) A Wetboy would do so without causing panic, making no one stand out cause at something like this, we got guards and everything, A wetboy has talent (magic) to get away, but an assassin would have less luck, but even a wetboy would rather make the death seem like its not a kill but something else or he/she needs to kill everyone otherwise So, Azoth wont use a knife, he had put poison in the man's drink that would kill him after 24 hours, making no ties to the queens party its in my post XD So, I guess that BoBo at least has a high class/ pro assassin if its not a wetboy, then I think/ guess, she might guide her target away, make the kill look like an accident OR hide the body so it wont be found out for a LONG TIME then get away, or at least hide the corps so good that it would take days to find it and enjoy the party