Posting some of my other characters, he's my main man Ollie: [b]Name:[/b] Oliver Kootz (Will have gold/yellow/orangy color) [b]Nickname:[/b] Ollie, Olive Oil, Kootzy, Monkey Boy, “Kid-get-off-that-wall,” etc. [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 18 [hider=Weapons/Equipment/Armor:] He calls it a “Matter Absorbtion/Conversion Engine,” and likes to call it “Macy” (He doesn’t really have an official name for it, it’s more of a nickname). It’s a small part of an ancient weapon, and was supposed to be an armor that would change to the wearer’s whim. This bracelet, however, can only draw inorganic matter to craft fairly simple weapons: Clubs, swords, gauntlets, etc. It’s been fitted with Dust tanks to power it, and when he learns how to use it better, to infuse his constructs with the Dust properties. Though usually not as dynamic as most other weapon’s uses of Dust, he finds his to be fairly versatile. When it’s possible for him to make a construct with moving parts, the Dust can also power it like an engine, though it’ll likely not be much more complicated than some rotating knuckles or blades. He’s well versed in many weapons and combat, having run over quite a few from different circus acts, but his favorites are clubs and gauntlets; though for only one hand. He’s still learning how to use “Macy”, and so far can’t make more than one construct, but he has a feeling there’s more tricks up his bracelet that he’s yet to see. Right now, he can only make weapons into some sort of hard ceramic, which doesn’t stand up to as much physical abuse as metal. When he becomes more skilled at using “Macy,” it’ll be able to craft more complex weapons out of metal. The glove itself has two gems, and orange one at the base of the palm and a purple one on top of the wrist, and metal guards on striking edges of the glove (side of hand, knuckles, surrounding gem on palm.). Halfway up the forearm are where the Dust tanks are situated, at the moment they’re just made of plastic, but he hasn’t had any problems with them rupturing so far. It has a limited amount of mass it can absorb, shown by a light dial on the purple gem, and beyond 50 yards of the weapon, any constructs he makes turn to dust. [/hider] [hider=Semblance:] [b]Burst Boost.[/b] Though he can’t do it well now, Oliver is on his way to learning to boost his physical abilities with his Aura, and even attack with it directly due to its explosive force. Because it’s exceptionally pure, it can give an amazing boost of power, but he has a much lower amount than a normal Huntsman, so that, coupled with the intensity of controlling purer Aura, will make it too difficult to hold over a long period of time. His Aura color is bright gold When he expressed an interest in becoming a Huntsman, his uncle helped to train him in combat. The Strongman used to be a Huntsman himself, but his Aura center had been shattered long ago, and he was unable to create or control Aura. However, he still remembered the methods and theories, so he tried to give Oliver some lessons in it. But Oliver didn’t quite take to the Aura training as his uncle would’ve hoped, he didn’t seem to understand. What’s more, he believed that Ollie had a very small amount of Aura, not enough for him to fight Grimm properly. He couldn’t shield himself with or heal his wounds, but Oliver’s uncle didn’t give up. Their circus had a Needle Lady, covered in tattoos and piercing, who performed many shows involving pins and nails. She was also an acupuncturist and a spiritualist, and was able to confirm the Strongman’s suspicions of Oliver being “Aura challenged.” But Ollie’s uncle knew a special technique for Aura manipulation that would help with Oliver’s situation. Using a special breathing technique, Oliver’s uncle learned that it’s possible to strengthen, or purify, the Aura in your body over a long period of time. It’s actually more difficult the more Aura in your body, as it takes that much longer to purify it all, so it’s somewhat useful for Oliver that he has a smaller amount. But Oliver still couldn’t grasp the concepts of Aura control, and purer Aura would be that much more difficult to control as well, but the Strongman had another idea. He spoke with the Needle Lady about using acupuncture to alter the Aura channels in his body, too effectively keep them running on autopilot for shielding. It took awhile, and many painful sessions, but they were able to get the job done. Of course, this means that he’s unable to use his Aura to sense anything, or to heal himself, or even to shield a specific part of his body rather than the whole thing, but Oliver’s uncle thought this would give him an edge over people who’d been fighting and using Aura for much longer than him, at least till he could learn what he’d need to so he could actually use it properly.[/hider] [b]Hobbies: Sleight of hand, gymnastics, juggling balls, juggling clubs, juggling cookies, juggling, making balloon animals, tightrope walking, climbing, parkour, etc. [hider=Bio:] His family runs the “Kootz Kooky Traveling Circus,” and is fairly well known to many children and those with fond circus memories. But his ancestors initially started the traveling circus to search for ancient weapons to fight a nearly forgotten foe. As the years went by, generations grew, and the foe became entirely forgotten, the family completely settled into the circus life that they had made. Oliver grew up learning how to help with nearly all the acts, and picked up an impressive skill set, but was incredibly nosy. During the circus’ run in a city along Vale’s outskirts, Oliver explored the surrounding land, despite his father’s warnings of Grimm attacks being common along the borders of the Kingdom. Oliver didn’t really take not of his words until a pack of Ursa cornered him on the edges of a forest. Using his agility to scale the trees and travel from branch to branch, Oliver evaded the pack, but they were still close and following. Oliver’s stamina was running out, but he saw an abandoned house in the forest, leaping for it from a tall branch. He fell through the roof, and discovered that the house was atop old ruins, a stone castle hidden underground. He ran, still trying to outrun the bears, and made his way into what looked to be a large throne room, with a dusty skeleton on the chair. Oliver could still hear the Ursa closing in, and looked around for a weapon, rushing over to the body to see if there was some sort of sword he could use. He could only see a large gauntlet, and figured it was better than nothing, quickly pulling it from the skeleton’s hand and placing it on his own with a shudder. The Ursa charged into the room, and in Oliver’s fear his mind raced for ideas. Suddenly, the gauntlet lit up, and sent a shockwave through the room. It sent Oliver reeling but stalled the Ursa, who stopped in the middle of the throne room in confusion. A chandelier above shook from the disturbance, and it’s fastenings broke, falling on the pack of Ursa and crushing them. The ones that died faded from view, and the few that were left were trapped under the large metalwork, but Oliver didn’t stay long enough to see if they’d break free. The gauntlet had shattered, but in curiosity, Oliver scooped up the broken parts and ran out of there, quickly finding his way back through the forest and back to the circus tent. His father was worried, angry, and impressed. He had no desire to continue his family’s age old quest, but as Oliver was intrigued with his find, he had everyone in the circus who could help lend a hand. The circus mechanics helped Oliver construct a base for the larger gems from the gauntlet, and retrofitted it to be powered by Dust, and Oliver eventually discovered a use for the invention through trial and error. An earring made from a small gem from the parts gave him a slight mental link, and the gems seemed to be able to absorb a limited amount of inorganic matter and shape it into something new. Using it the first time was a huge mental exertion, he passed out for nearly two days after making a club, but repeated use built up a tolerance. Imbued with a new sense of power and responsibility, his family raised up enough money to send him to school. He was a trouble maker and a clown (sometimes literally, performing at kids birthday parties for extra cash), but his marks were very high due to his stubborn determination. He graduated, some say perhaps he annoyed his teachers enough to speed him through school, and is setting his sights on Beacon. Throughout his schooling, he kept quite about his weapon, using it when out of view, and his teachers just assumed he had various weapons on him when in combat. The only time he told about it was on is application to Beacon, which (unbeknownst to him) was part of why he was accepted.[/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Not always loud, but usually very animated, sometimes prefers to walk on his hands for extended periods of time. Not sure if it’s from growing up with clowns, but he can’t help but try to make a sad person smile, and enjoys attracted any sort of attention. Has also been known to cause distractions from friends, and is very proud of his trouble making abilities. [b]Appearance:[/b] Shaggy, black hair to the base of his neck, somewhat bushy eyebrows. Hazel eyes, usually with a mischievous glint. Usually wears baggy pants like capris, or bound at his ankles. Tops range from t-shirts and tank tops, turtlenecks and v-necks, usually black or white. Has a few hoodies for when it’s chilly, some short sleeved. His clothes are very simple, most home-made, the only clothes he’s bought are special cushiony shoes that have very grippy soles, and a few packs to carry things. However, if he feels the need, he has some other circus clothes to put on, acrobat tights, clown pants/shoes, ‘ top-hat, etc. But those are for special occasions; mainly he sticks with the aforementioned clothes. [hider=Post Sample:] Oliver ducked, narrowly dodging a fist that dented a sign. The man swinging said fist seemed unconcerned that he punched metal, and continued swinging punches. In between the ducking and weaving, Oliver sighed. He’d seen this man threaten his apparent ex-wife and her son, approaching them with violent intent. He planned to throw an egg at the man to distract him, letting them escape and escaping when the man would surely chase him, but the son took that chance to throw something at the man before they could get away. Oliver had to finish things, unfortunately. [i]“Quit dodging, you bastard, let me hit you![/i] “That’s stupid, why would I ever do that?” Oliver said, flipping off of a dumpster before the man slammed his fists on it and cracked the lid. “Have you ever been in a fight before? Want some tips?” Oliver asked, smirking as he clung to a lamppost. The man growled in rage, charging and tackling the post, causing it to shudder and teeter forward. Oliver calmly stood on it, gracefully walking onto a store awning as the lamppost fell past it. “Tsk tsk, property damage is no way to vent your frustrations, have you tried knitting?” [i]“I’m gonna rip you to shreds!![/i] “There’s easier ways of getting knitting material-woah!” Oliver said, wagging a finger, before dodging a thrown trashcan from the man below. “C’mon, dude, I just had shower to wash off my clown make-up, don’t make me take another-woah!” he said, leaning to the side to dodge another. Apparently losing his balance, he teetered over the side, to the man’s sadistic grin. But as the man charged forward to hit him as he fell, he simply hung upsidedown while gripping the awning with his toes. Oliver looked down on him, saying, “Well, you kinda-sorta-almost-but-not-really knocked me down, that’s something, right?” The man only responded in an inarticulate scream, leaping up to grab Ollie, who kept bending up and out of his reach. “Ah…oh…almost got me…try again…you realize this entertain’s babies?” [i]”GET DOWN HERE YOU BASTARD!!”[/i] Oliver sighed. “If you say so,” he replied, letting go with his feet and flipping. He slammed his feet into the man’s face sending him flying through the store window with a huge [i]’crash’[/i] of glass. He winced comically, saying, “Ooh, looks like you’re in a lot of [i]pane[/i]…that’s, eh, with an ‘e’ at the end…like pane of glass…get it?” Oliver asked, only hearing a low growl in response [i]”YOU’RE DEAD!”[/I] The man leaped through the window, charging right for Oliver. The circus boy grabbed for the man’s wrists as he charged, using his whole body to keep him pushed back. [i]”You brat, when I’m done with you, I’m gonna show my woman what she gets for goin’ against my orders…”[/i] he growled, sneering. Oliver’s face darkened, a look that he never usually wore. Pivoting on his foot and drawing one hand back, he basically stepped out of the man’s way and spun him as he fell, using the large brute’s own force to slam him in the ground. His head hit the sidewalk as he fell, and he growled and charged back up, sporting a small gash above his ear. As he charged, Oliver slammed his foot into the man’s solar plexus, knocking the wind out of him as he stumbled back. The man wasn’t down, though, and while gasping he charged forward with his arm drawn back, slamming a punch into Oliver’s face. Ollie ducked slightly, letting his forehead hit the fist, as he heard the snap of bone. The man howled in pain, or tried to howl with what little breath he had. As he fell to his knees, Oliver grabbed his collar and brought his face close. “Listen, you’re staying away from her. I’m going to check up on her, and if I find you snooping around, you’ll [i]wish[/i] you were just in this much pain. Got it, chief?” he whispered. The man, face frozen in fear, tried to answer, but could only muster a weak nod. “Good,” Oliver said, before drawing his head back and headbutting the man’s forehead. He fell, unconscious, on the sidewalk. Oliver paused, before turning to walk back to the mother and child. They were speechless when he approached, as he smiled and asked, “He still knocked out?” The nodded slowly, as Oliver crouched low and held his forehead. “Cinnamon sticks, that hurt worse than the trapeze falling down. Razzle mazzle, why didn’t I just punch him, owie…”he said under his breath, as the two watched him with confusion. He looked up, smiling sheepishly and gave them a thumbs up. “That was…that was amazing!” the woman said, as the boy looked at him in awe. “Nah, no biggie. I don’t like to see people frowning or sad, is all,” Oliver said, looking to the boy. “Oh, you’ve got a little hair there…” he said, pointing at the boy’s shoulder. When the child looked, a sponge bunny seemed to jump out of Oliver’s palm. “There he is, he’s always causing trouble…” Oliver added, making the bunny hop around. The child giggled as Oliver handed it to him, to which the mother beamed. “Is there anything we can do to repay you?” she asked, as Oliver stood up. “Uh, yeah, call this number if he ever comes back around,” he said, taking out a card from his pocket and handing it to her. It read ‘The Kooky Kootz Circus,’ with contact information at the bottom. Oliver added, “They can reach me if there’s any more problems,” he said, as the woman nearly teared up when she pocketed the card. Oliver started to walk away, before pausing and turning around. “Oh, and if it’s not to much trouble, could you give me a lift? I’ve got an airship to catch,” he said, with a large grin.[/hider]