Character Sheet: Name:Zane Wilkins Deity of:Water/Seas, Storms, Healing, Dreams Age/DoB: 32. June 17th, 1987. Gender:Male Appearance:[hider=My Spoiler][img=][/hider] Personality:He is very open and honest about what he believes in because he believes that he is right and is not afraid if others believe differently. He will do all he can to help anyone, stranger or friend because he couldn't see himself standing by while others are suffering around him. He does have a good sense of humor and is a very honest individual. My character's background: He grew up in a large city as the only child of two School Counselors. His family had always been very open with one another, especially his parents about their work. They had told him about many different kinds of people, who they had counseled, from teenagers in highschool who had problems at home or with stress with school subjects-to inmates of prisons who were up at night and afraid of what they would experience during the night. His parents were sure they had helped each person after their session-because they believed in their counsel. Zane didn't understand why their was so many people who suffered from stress and making negative and harmful decisions. So at the age of fifteen during high school, he made it his mission to be an example to everyone, to be as a role model, as the most pure person possible. He started off with School and it didn't matter if he got bullied at school-he usually managed to shelve aside the angry thoughts after only a little practice and advised the bully of what appeared to be their insecurity and of the solution to remove that insecurity. After a couple of years, he became the school president, having an easy majority vote in from his fellow students and managed to reduce harmful atmospheres from the school more successfully then it was ever done before. He got quite a bunch of t.v. coverage from helping his school out with their bullying problem and it certainly helped him with being a young hero in his home city. He followed the media for the next ten or so years and looked there for stressful situations or some other issue that he didn't understand and called for the ones involved to come to him in order for him to resolve the situation. And he sometimes did manage to resolve it and in those cases the ones involved paid him a small fee and continued about their business. Even now, he continues working as the "City's Hero".