Seraphina listened intently as he spoke and she had observed his eye on her, taking in all her most feminine aspects. Internally Seraphina could not help but smirk, men thought they were subtle and women could not feel the stare of their eyes on them but it did not offend her like some women might have been, her beauty was an asset and one she was not above using. Suddenly something of what he was saying really caught her off guard, it was the comment of the lavender eyes and the implications that the babe that bore this trait was ill begot. Her features had always been scrutinised since she was born, bright violet eyes, tufts of palest silver hair. There had been rumours at first, talk amongst the silliest servants and most suspicious lords, word such as changeling and fairy child had been bandied about behind closed doors and in whispered tones. But her father had beaten back the rumours at every turn, even going to the extreme of presenting her formally to the court and reading out her noble rites. This had quelled most of the rumours as all knew that no noble would own a fairy child and keep her in plain sight. She eyed him intently, watching closely to check if there was any hint of insult in his face or tone, teasing she may accept during the Cuckoo’s eve but she would allow no one to belittle her. However she saw nothing there and she allowed herself to relax a little. Seraphina’s eyes watched as he looked back towards the hall, his observant eyes picking up her glance towards the room and as he spoke she could not help the cool laugh that escaped her as her eyes glinted. “One must be very careful about getting your heart’s desire, for people are very fickle and the wants and desires of men … and women are rarely what they need and almost never what is good for them. And while the night may excuse the wanton lusts of those who give in, will they be able to face the consequences in the cold light of day, the morning changes many things.” She did admit that she squirmed slightly by what he said about the masters of the domestic staff, was there much unhappiness for the charges in their care. Seraphina was the head of the household and she had strict rules on staff treatment but if the devil was to be believed there was much she didn’t know, it may be worth setting some spies around. But this was a matter for another time, giving her magnificent head a small shake that made the feathers tremble she once again brought herself again to heel and became light and sparkling again. Raising a graceful eyebrow at him as he bowed to her, for the first time, she noted with pleasure and a small triumphant smile, which was gone before his bow concluded. As he spoke she smiled brightly, her face showing her interest in his proposal. “After all,” he added roguishly with a wink, “from now till next moonrise, there’s nothing I would hold against you save that you ask it of me.” This statement caught her attention and she answered it with a soft laugh as musical as wind chimes and with a graceful flourish, as was her preference, she returned his bow with her own curtsey. It was not as deep as his nor as scandalous as the Sparrows but once again pools of downy ebony surrounded her legs and her feminine curves were thrown into silver relief by the moonlight. Looking up at him for just a moment from under her lashes she regained her full height, expression set into a thoughtful pout as her eyes glittered with a calculating light. “Ah but what does one request from the Devil himself?” She mused for a moment, pacing closer to him with lithe steps, as though dancing again yet always keeping a careful distance. Stopping in a half turn she gazed out into the night, still able to see him to her left side. “Wisdom, money, murder most foul, a love that is true or beauty eternal? These are the standard calls upon your time, no? But for me, I am not to be caught with such trivial fancies.” Again she paused for a moment, swaying her skirt like a slow bell in time to the music that drifted to them on the sweet breeze. Gazing across her alabaster shoulder to him Seraphina smiled coyly, finding an answer for which she was sure he would be no match against. However she was not above listening to her own advice and so she had to phrase it just so. “Well my Devil I do have a request for you and one I wonder if you can fulfil. From now until the next moonrise I want you to make me … happy, truly happy.” For just a moment the smallest flicker of sadness crossed her face although it did not disturb her smile but instead showed the hairline faults in her serene mask. “However this must not come at the expensive of anyone, not a single person should suffer for my request.” Her eyes locked onto his and for a moment they shared an intent, burning gaze. Then a trilling laugh escaped her as she turned back to him, her body animated again as she watched him process her request. “So can you do this or do I beat the devil at his own game?” she asked, an impish grin curling her pink lips.