[img]http://data3.whicdn.com/images/31873235/large.jpg[/img] Name: Laureen "Lola" Levine Age: 20 Gender: Female Orientation: Pansexual. Position in band: Groupie Personality: Seductive, stubborn, annoying, loud, obnoxious, selfish. Favorite Bands: Muse, Nirvana, Alice in chains, HIM and of course THIN AIR. (She's a groupie.) Hobbies/Skills: She loves drinking, fashion, getting intimate with the band members. Job: She takes part time shifts on the movie rentals which is almost out of buisness, and sometimes sells cocaine on events, concerts and parties. Bio: Lola grew up in a trailer park with her mother and stepfather. She start drinking and rebelling in an early age getting involved with different local bands. Music was her escape. To be noticed by the local bands she turned into grungy fashion and light starvation. She came in contact with [b]Thin air[/b] a couple of gigs ago and has been one of their fewer groupies ever since.