[center]Sentinel 26th of Midyear, 4E 205[/center] The hot sun of the day beat down heavily on the streets of Sentinel. Vanquisher Temijen, having recently arrived form the Valenwood coast, took in the sight of the city, jewel of the Lillic Bay, everything from the cities high stunning arches to its grand glinting domes shinning in the noon sun. As he reached the docks and stepped foot on the pier, Ra-gada warriors stationed saluted Temijen the moment they spotted him, making way for his small entourage. The road to the palace from the harbor was a straight forward enough, leading through the city’s main market place, a jostling throng of bodies like a living tide of moving people. It always took more time to reach the palace by the main road then it did by the wayside routes. Still, traveling by the main market square had always given him the opportunity to meet and mingle with the people who he ruled over. He even preferred going incognito now and again to assess the ways and whims of the people first hand. So it was hours later after arriving at the palace, that a meeting between the highest ranked lords and nobles of the city was called. Well preparations were under way, word was sent from Rihad by way of a swift rider that Dornthal had had some success in the summit. It was further good news riding from the gains in Valenwood. It would be prefect evidences for the nobles to support his newest project... Several hours later, Temijen sat at a large round table decorated with food and exotic cushions from many corners of Tamriel, a goblet of wine in hand, and a growing headache in his mind, a sigh at his lips. "Such an institution would be unfathomable!" One noble proclaimed. Temijen recalled his name was, Butin, Lord Butin, and a wealthy noble at that who owned several warehouses, and with much influence among the merchant class. "The common folk mistrust magic far too much to stand for a mage guild of any kind within the cities walls." "I am well aware of our peoples distrust for the arcane arts, and rightly so." Temijen responded. "However, we cannot continue to hold on to old prejudices if we wish to progress in these changing times. Further, an institutionalized order of mage would allow use greater control over rogue warlocks, while the ban of schools such as Illusion, Conjuration, and Necromancy will be strictly enforced." "You're idea is sounding more like a prison then, college." one Noble voiced. "Perhaps, but as you said, our relationship with magic has always been a tentative one. We have always employed its use, but are among the few races in Tamriel to not have a focused institution for guiding those who wish to learn the art beyond it complementing their swordsmanship. This will install greater control over those who practice magic in Hammerfell, allowing us much needed reprieve from those who would abuse it." The nobles muttered over it a moment more, but one by one they announced their support of the idea. Thus the first Alik'r Order of Magus was well under way, just as Ali-baba had advised some weeks earlier.... [center]Imperial City 26th of Midyear, 4E 205[/center] The Imperial capital was truly a sight to behold even from a distance. Riding upon a dark brown horse, the Hammerfell messenger, a redguard by the name, Ciralen, was surely impressed by what he saw. Still he was hardly here for sightseeing. The moment he reached the cities great gates, he announced himself as an envoy of Vanquisher Temijen having arrived to finalize the agreements made prior by his councilor at the Black Marsh summit. [hider=Actions] -Formation of the Alik'r Order of Magus, set to be built on the borders of the Alik'r desert -A messenger is sent to the Imperial city to hush out plans for the mutual defense pact and trade agreements. [/hider]