[b]Grand Master Kalanar of the Order of Whispers 28th of Mid Year The Grand Hall of Whispers, Alinor. [/b] Kalanar had worked tirelessly the past few days, and was exhausted. Yet he knew his efforts were not in vain, nor were they wasted. The information about the Valenwood Coast had apparently made it back to them, and they were aware watching much more closely for leaks and spies now. Yet Kalanar had been at this game a long while, and knew ways still to slip past. He had created diversions, as well as framed loyalist bosmer to throw heat off his own agents. Finally it appeared they were beginning to slacken again, and soon his agents had once more seamlessly blended into bosmer culture, lost to the fabric of their society. Yet he had done more than this. While establishing a firm intelligence in Valenwood was imperative, he had also heard of the chaos and war in Elsweyr, and had utilized the situation to his advantage. The southerners seemed to be getting beat, and they were desperate for soldiers. It had been easy enough slipping several khajiit spies into their ranks. The North was a bit trickier, but Kalanar had several agents pretend to be southern traitors who gave the north information in turn for joining, the information provided beng from his southern spies. Yes, Kalanar knew [i]how to play the game[/i] as it were. But setting up reconnaissance in Valenwood and Elsweyr would be only the beginning, for he knew there were still many secrets being whispered in many ears, which he still couldn’t hear. [b]Aldmeri Dominion Representatives Isildur and Lelin. 28th of Midyear Daggerfall, High Rock.[/b] The twin ships of [i]Sun’s Ray[/i] and [i]Sea Silk[/i] came into port at Daggerfall, and though both were servants of the Dominion, they carried very different goals and cargos. Isildur climbed up from the bowels of [i]Sun’s Ray[/i] and looked up into sunlight for the first time since he had left Alinor. The ships were of High Elf design, and their grace and speed was unmatched by any other navy in the world, allowing their journey to be swift and silent. The Battle of Stros M’Kai had drawn the attention and resources of both the Dominion Fleet and the Yokudan, and the majority of waters appeared fairly empty of a large presence from either side. Inside the deck of Isildur’s ship it seemed to shine of gold and goblets inside, with fine spices that seemed to be the incarnation of the taste of summer. Not only this, but warm and vibrant colors adorned the ship, making it appear to be an aquatic version of Apollo’s Chariot. These gifts of silk and spice were for High Rock, as gifts to their good wealth and health. Isildur knew that as a Representative of the Dominion in High Rock, he may be unwelcome by Imperial Presences. Yet for the Dominion, he would persevere. His small force of guards began to gather their things. It was on [i]Sea Silk[/i] that the real weapons of war lay hidden, though one would be hard pressed to find them. Lelin had made his journey with group of nearly twelve Battle-Mages, many more than the five man squads they normally sent. He wasn’t quite sure why such a large force of Arcane Casters was accompanying him, but he didn’t pay them mind. He knew only his goal was Orsinium, and though the naval part of his adventure was over, he still had a ways to go to reach his destination. The two Representatives looked to each other from their respective ships, and nodded. Isildur gathered up the many gifts and trade plans he had brought with him, and began to attempt to find whoever was in charge of this strange and foreign land. Lelin and company bought horses, and set off towards their goal without so much as a bathroom break. [b] -Order of Whispers consolidates spies in Valenwood and spread into Elsweyr. -Trade and Representatives to High Rock have arrived in Daggerfall! -The Representative and Battle-Mages will arrive in Orsinium by dusk tomorrow![/b]