Luro finished with his guns and grabbed his own looking over at Danny as she spoke of her time on sailor ships, he gave a small nod sad to hear she had to drink water of all things on it. He continued working on his own gun but he gave Danny his attention as he was curious where she hailed from, hearing it was from an island he tilted his head slightly. He was pretty sure he didn't end up on hers while he was travelling but it just being a possibility made him a smile a little, he looked down at the parchment setting his gun down and grabbing another bottle as he sat tailor style resting his hands on his knees a small grin on his face. "I think your grandad and I would get along," he said before taking a drink from the bottle. "I am sorry to hear you had to drink water, a wise man once said if you can throw a punch you can handle the drink, well he wasn't really wise just...really really drunk but aside from that and four other things he was a pretty informative guy. Anyway if you're going to work like a sailor it only makes sense to drink like one." Luro brought a hand to his chin remembering she had asked him about his own travels, he tilted his head slightly and tried to think of an answer but wasn't having much luck, though he could barely remember his name right now. "There's nothing too interesting about me Danny, stowaway on a few ships, got in trouble with the law, got put in prison, got out of prison, left a few heartbroken lasses behind....and one lad but that's another story. Let's see insert some murder and larceny in there, a bunch of bar fights, more lasses, add some rum and that's about it. Why I became a pirate though is for the freedom, there's nothing better than being your own person, you really don't know how dear freedom is until you can lose it and I have lost it more times than I can count. Now I can drink as much as I want, sleep as much as I want, inflict physical harm on whoever I want though the captain has requested I not kill needlessly so I won't. It's great I can think of nothing better to do, having people along makes it all the better, travelling on your own get's lonely sometimes." Luro leaned back placing his hand back to steady himself as he took another drink finishing off the bottle before setting it down, he stood up grabbing his rifle and putting it on his back. "You'll find the answers to some of those questions yourself, you're our navigator now after all it's no fun if I just tell you the answer. You're going to love being a pirate Danny, even when your getting shot at by the navy and almost cut apart by fellow pirates cause you'll always have your freedom and rum mostly freedom though." Luro reached down and grabbed the rifles deciding to turn in for the night, his vision was starting to get a bit blurry well blurrier which meant he was probably going to pass out soon anyway. He put the empty bottles in the barrel and took a long swig of bottle in his hand before dropping it in there with the rest of them. "I'm heading to bed now night Danny." Luro was pretty sure he saw the captain while he made his way below deck but he was past the point of no return and knew if he stopped he wasn't going to move again. --- The sunlight pouring into the small room made Luro groan and roll over as morning came, he moved his arm only to hear a clinking noise follow which woke him up a bit more causing him to open his eyes. Once his gaze met the ceiling of the room he realized he wasn't in the sleeping quarters, that and his back was currently on a hard floor instead of his bed...or whoever's bed he passed out in. Looking around he recognized where he was almost immediately, a room that brought him a joy that little else could, the rum room. Looking around he was surrounded by bottles of all kinds of drink, he was literally in a bed of bottled goodness and picking one up he noticed they were still shut. He sat up glad he didn't drink any at least, he'd be in a new kind of trouble if he drank it all last night though he wasn't sure when he got there as he was positive he was heading for a bed last night. After putting all the bottles back in their proper places he heard the captain yell about the news, he grinned and stretched a few cracks coming from his bones before he grabbed his rifle and made his way out of the room. Luro tapped the bottle of rum he had brought out of the room with his finger as the captain told them the plan for Waterdeep, he was already on his second plate but had stopped figuring it was rude to eat while the captain was speaking. Late noon seemed more than enough time to get things done, he may even be able to check out the tavern in the city. He wasn't against helping Nolan restock and he believed it might be for the best to get their supplies first, last time they had to make a hasty exit after all. He wasn't sure what to think about the port being at an all time low so he didn't think about it all, he looked over hearing what Nolan was going to do and smiled when he addressed him and Ray. "I'm afraid I'll be staying behind for a bit to do some repairs on the Coral, we did get harpooned after all and it's easier to make repairs when we dock. It won't take me long but I have a title to uphold. My title as carpenter not womanizing dog of the sea, not sure when I got the second one but I've been called it enough times. Doesn't make sense to me really I'm a pirate not a dog and I don't remember doing....the first part of that....anyway that aside I'll probably just roam the city and stop by the tavern I don't really have anything interesting planned...aside from the tavern. Ray might have a good idea or Kai since he's been there before."