[b]Appearance: [/b] [img=http://i.imgur.com/YElZm.jpg] How he fantasizes about himself [img=http://37.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lvwqclHCL41qijrwqo1_500.jpg] [b]Name: [/b] Raa Tel'Nimras (Lion Of the Whitehorn (unicorn) ) but hopes to earn his great grandmother's title of Nim'ohtar Tel'Nimras(Paladin of the whitehorn) [b]Race:[/b] Half-Orc [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Class:[/b] Paladin [b]Alignment:[/b] LG (assuming the elven gods are good, otherwise LN if the elven gods are Neutral) [b]Background:[/b] *** His story starts with his ancestors. His great grandmother was a paragon of elven ways and life, a paladin to the gods of elves who rode a unicorn into battle. But it seems her pride was his doom, a moments weakness with a human ranger whom she had thought was a blessing of the elven gods resulted in a half-elven child. That half elven boy still had the spark of nature and became a ranger like his father. A good and noble position, but his every breath was a reminder to his mother of a moment when she was less than the ideal elf. That stain became spread when he fell in love with a human, just as his mother had before him. This child was almost considered illegitimate as a full human if not for the druidic magic that flowed in her veins and the almond eyes. The final insult came twenty years ago when the druid human made peace with the orcs trying to deforest the trees on the edge of the wood. A bargain was truck to lead the orcs to naturally fallen trees within the forest for their use or to hew diseased wood to prevent infecting others. This bargain was consummated with the shaman of the orcs and a half-orc child was born of the union. He was nearly killed on the spot if not for divine intervention, a birthmark of a unicorn rests atop his breast showing him to be gifted by the elven gods, just as his great grandmother. She watches and waits while showering him with back-handed praise as she begrudgingly trains him weekly at the edge of the village. [b]Other: [/b]