(Sorry for all the short posts guys, I'm having a little bit of writers block) Kai was once again staring out of one of the ships window at the spray of the sea as they sailed, he had finished his breakfast already and was listening intently to the conversation. Although none of it really registered in his brain until Runali mentioned that Waterdeep was at an all time low. Here, he offered his opinion “Captain, there’s no way that’s normal, something about this doesn’t bode well…” Kai began as he turned to look at his captain “Waterdeep is in the dead center of EVERY major trade route in these waters, it’s even earned the nickname ‘City of Splendors’. I don’t know what it is, but something about it seems wrong.” He said as he turned his gaze back out of the window. Kai thought for a moment before he heard his name come up from Luro. Something to do in Waterdeep? Kai honestly couldn’t think of anything you COULDN’T do in Waterdeep. He frowned before speaking to his comrade “Well if you’re looking for some good drink Luro, you may want to check out The Death’s Head Inn. Run by a young lass with silver grey hair named Wisaria Blackcloak.” He said as he smiled, he did so love that old inn. “Although, if you go there, do us all a favor and don’t try to get with her.” Kai said, a small devious smile crossing his face “That is, less you want to return to us with your legs cut off.” He said as he let out a little laugh, one of the first times he’d done so since beginning this entire voyage “She’s a tough one, you watch yourself.”