Amber sat quietly inside in what felt like her own tomb but luckily she was alive and breathing, she looked through the view port her pod had crashed in looked like it was a restaurant or what was left of one. Then she heard Lance Corporal Donovan and Lance Corporal Croft's voices over the radio and brought up her map seeing that they were both close to her and making their way towards her position. "Good to know." Amber said and went to check her weapons making sure that both weren't jammed she heard over the radio that some of the others within GHOST had come into contact with the Covenant. "Stick to the alley ways and buildings to try and avoid the covenant don't engage unless it's absolutely necessary." Amber said through the radio. A few minutes later Donovan and Croft had made it to her location. "We are here sarge we will get you out quickly." Donovan said and nodded towards Croft they both started to pull at either end of her hatch but it wouldn't budge, Croft then went to look around and found a crowbar and decided to use that for leverage. After a few attempts Amber's pod finally gave way and Amber using her strength to further open the door to her pod. "Jameson we are on our way towards you now over." Amber said looking to both Donovan and Croft and nodded to the both of them and activated her VISR getting a better look at the area around them and made her way towards Jameson's location.