Indy looked at Freyr for a moment as she teased him. She had just watched a woman get bloodily murdered in front of her yet seemed completely unfazed. He gave her a small chuckle and quietly held her. A few moments later the family approached them near the table and spoke with Freyr. Then the room went black for a second or so. The family rushed out of the building as if it were on fire. Indy heard hastened footfalls on the stairwell until they disappeared into the darkness. He also heard a series of [I]pop pop pop[/I] sounds outside. Releasing his grip on Freyr he moved over to the front door and locked the top bolt and the latch key. He considered moving something heavy in front of it but he didn't want to make things appear worse than they were to Freyr. If he had known at the time what was outside he would have barricaded it with everything in the apartment. The lights went off again. “Something must be stressing the mains,” he said idly. The street lights were still on and Atlanta was still a gleaming neon light in the darkness but individual buildings were periodically going dark. He knew the apartment had a backup generator as well as a backup-backup generator in case things really got desperate. For the amount of money the apartment building cost to make and what the owner charged for the apartments Indy expected the owner to have put measures in place for situations like this. 'Situations like this' at the time meaning some sort of strange riot. A black and yellow police helicopter slowly glided through the air past the apartment. They were so close Indy was sure he would see the pilots if it wasn't so dark. The pilots could certainly see him. All Indy could see was the lights on the helicopter and the spotlight shining down onto the city. His eyes followed the light along the streets. They were jammed with cars, some piled on top of others in mangled crashes. People were pouring over them like river water rushing over stones. They were all running in one direction, but Indy couldn't make out if they were running [I]to[/I] or [I]from[/I] something. He heard that same [I]pop pop pop[/I] sound again. A few moments later he saw where it was coming from. Flashes in the darkness followed by loud pops and cracks. Those were gunshots, from something quite big. The spotlight followed them for a while. A small convoy of four humvees rolled through the street. An armoured soldier stood grasping a machine gun at the top of the vehicle. “The army's in Atlanta.” They were actually Georgia National Guardsmen but it made little difference. Their involvement went against the Posse Comitatus Act. Indy couldn't see what they were shooting at but he imagined it was at more people like Tiana. The convoy stopped after twenty metres or so. Three of the four doors on each humvee opened and three armoured soldiers appeared holding a rifle in their hands. They advanced slowly and cautiously alongside their transports. They were here as part of a perimeter force securing a five mile area around the governor's office. Georgia really was in a state of emergency if the national guard had been authorised to subdue the riots in Atlanta.