The introduction of a new face had Bjorn on edge. Before, there had been no one to intercept their movements, and now two people in a row were in place. Two people that might make up an Asylum cell… Still, Bjorn didn’t draw a weapon or do anything that might raise suspicions. For the first of many times today, he wished his Sister would spend less time with those earphones crammed into her ears. He could have spoken Danish to her, and the two in front wouldn’t know a word. He needed to figure out a way to communicate with her. As his mind reeled to deal with the issue of the boy, Cameron and this new woman, a voice called out and broke his train of thought. “Cameron!” Turning around to meet the shouting voice, Bjorn was welcomed by a woman crashing into him and tackling him to the ground. He was surprised at the woman’s bravery, as he’d been accused of being a brick wall before. Thankfully, for her at least, he wasn’t with shield in hand, or she’d be with shield in skull. The tackle hit him hard and pushed him onto his ass, sliding into the nearest wall and taking the brunt of big blows from both sides. “Ow.” Bjorn didn’t have anything clever to see as he looked down at the woman who had tackled him. She was…actually, she was kind of pretty. It wasn’t until she started sprinting down the hall that Bjorn recognised her as a target: Seira…That made the blonde haired kid another target. Shi… The familiar heat of a lightning bolt surging down the hall and narrowly missing both Cameron and Seira shot past Bjorn, letting him now that Thora was aware of the situation and boy was she pissed. Seeing some upstart Asian bitch tackling her brother, how fucking dare she! The woman was moving faster than she expected, but that didn’t stop Thora’s rage, it just made it bubble up even more. She chanted a few words under her breath and made motions with her hand: for once she wasn’t channelling the power of rock, and instead she stuck with typical, boring Motem and Vocum alchemy. She may not have an easy target in the Asian bitch, but blonde… She shot a fist full of lightning at the Blonde haired punk, and suddenly there was a violent flash of light that had her stopping in her tracks. When she looked up, Seira and Cameron were up to the next wall, and little squiggles danced across her eyes. Had she just been hit with a flash bang or something? She quickly ran over to Bjorn, helping him off his ass which gave him time to raise his shield and stare down the weird looking lass with the sword. The girl, Sarah, looked half as shocked as he did, but he wasn’t taking any chances. “Tell me, do you know the lizard?” His shield was ready to intercept the sword blows, but just in case, he was moving his hand towards the heavy maul at his side.