Danny watched Luro as she spoke briefly about his travels, and seemed to dismiss them as boring. The girl couldn't think of a single time where it was half as exciting as the stories Luro spoke of. All the same, she nodded when he told her she'd have to find out some answers for herself, and she was excited about it. "I know I'll like being a pirate." She said, grinning down at her maps. " I have never had as much fun as I am having in the sea. I think you're right, with the freedom thing. After a while, island life becomes constraining and ultimately, boring. Easy to get restless, and it makes me wonder why I'm the first in years, probably generations, to leave it. I'm rambling, 'ight, Luro. see you in the morning." She raised her hand to him as he disappeared, leaving her alone to finish up what she was doing and gather up the maps and inks, moving it all back to the book room. ----- Danny woke up with a start, slipping off the chair she had been in moments before. Taking a second on the floor, the navigator rubbed ather eyes yawning as she puzzled at where she was. "Right, girl. You're on the coral pearl, and you're the navigator, and after you packed up from th deck last night you had the brilliant idea to start a new map! So you fell asleep, probably on the map, and most likely got ink on yourself. Again. You are a great decision maker when you're tired." She muttered to herself, standing up and looking over the parchment. An area of ink had smudged, and slightly panicking, Danny looked over her arms, making sure it wasn't on her face. There was a spot, near her elbow, that had a new spot of black, not part of her tattoos. To be sure, she did her best to check in the reflection of an ink bottle. Satisfied, she went above deck, just in time to hear the captain call about the news. Surprised, Danny looked up and spotted the bird, more papers with it. "You have birds to deliver mail? That is so cool!" She smiled broadly, leaning against the rail to watch the bird fly away. Danny sat, smiling vaguely as she waited for the others to finish. The captain spoke up, and she nodded along. "Tattoo, got it! Then I'll go and find the others, help Nolan or something." She rested her elbows on the table as her attention was once again grabbed by Runa, and then Kai. Her brow furrowed as she heard about it. "Well, something is always wrong when a city is in low prospects, but again, this is Waterdeep. But it shouldn't stop our plan, about the flag, right?"