Edit: omg I wrote too much, I'm sorry xD Definitely dying from adorableness!! xD Some of them I was just like, you are so precious I just want to keep you!!! xD Honestly there were never any really frustrating moments, but I think if this had lasted longer ( I only did it for a about two months or so), then the kids would have begun treating me less as a novelty and more like a regular teacher, which means acting out more and not falling for my charms anymore. Because I wasn't really expected to do any disciplinary stuff apart from just keeping them focused on arts and crafts. It was the older day school leaders who did the tough stuff and I just had fun with the kids hehe. I love kids, kids are great. Talking to a six year old while the two of you are focused on a task is like one of the most interesting conversations you'll ever have haha. The little ones love you immediately, unconditionally if you give them just a little bit of attention, it's so cute. And the older ones try to be coy with how much they're interested in you but they want attention all the same. I do want to have kids too eventually, although not anytime soon x) Maybe two or three. Ughh drama sucks Dx Who needs it. There are just some people though who you can tell [i]feed[/i] off of drama, and it's just like entertainment for them. The more people they can get caught up in it the better. And all the business of being "on someone's side" through all of it. Bleh, pass. So it took a toll on you huh? :( Is it basically all water under the bridge now though? Ah well thank you x) That's so sweet, you guys must be the cutest thing when you're together :) Her 'not-boyfriend' Josh lol. It is kind of a hard stage to name, when two people are interested in each other, but they haven't reached the commitment stage. Like you want to let people know that the two of you aren't available, but you're also not exclusive yet...you're in limbo x) Do you want to be his girlfriend? 4th of July was awesome! x) We had been thinking about going to the state fair grounds to watch the fireworks show that they do there every year but instead we were like nahhhh, we'll skip the crowds and just have a cookout and drink and do our OWN fireworks show xD So we had it at Simon's apartment because he has the biggest place and has this perfect outdoor area in front of his building that we were able to score for the entire evening before anyone else, miraculously. There were a lot of people I didn't know there but everyone was cool and each brought some beer and before we knew it, we had two whole coolers filled xD We all brought a couple fireworks too, like the cheap ones from Walmart that don't fly in the air because those are illegal in North Carolina. But the flying ones [i]aren't[/i] illegal in the state of South Carolina, which is about a three hour drive, so someone showed up with a few mortars lol and we shot those off just praying that no one was going to call the cops XD I got more drunk than I've ever been and had a hangover the next morning like a boss, but it was worth it. But the [i]best[/i] night was last night~ x) There's this new girl they just hired at work, in the produce department, and I saw her for the first time when I was clocking in last week and we smiled at each other and I was like woah... who [i]is[/i] that?? Immediately thought she was [i]the[/i] most attractive girl ever. And then a few days later I'm sitting in the break room on my 30 min lunch with my sketchbook, drawing the room because I'm a weirdo design kid, and she came in to eat her lunch and we struck up a conversation. She was really amused that I was sketching during my break, but in a sweet, genuine way, not like condescending or anything x) We talked about some random stuff, music, how she liked work so far, and I sort of let on that I like girls. We couldn't talk for too long because I had to head back to work but before I left, I told her that if she was ever bored over in the produce department she should come chat with us cashiers because we're stuck at the register and dying for conversation x) And then like two days later I see her coming over to my register and I'm like omg here she comes, gotta be smooth xD She invites me to hang out with her roommates and friends that night and I give her my phone number so she can text me the address. Afterward I'm riding on could 9 because this feels too good to be true, but I start to come down a little when I think, wait..I'm going to hang out with a bunch of strangers tonight [i]and[/i] I don't know if the invite was just because she wants to be friends with me or is interested in more... I barely know her at all, what if I get there and she turns out to be a completely different person than I thought she was and I don't like her friends, what if this whole thing is awkward, etc, etc. So I get home from work and she texts me the address and I think, fuck it I'm just gonna go and quit overthinking things as usual. And omg I had the best time. Right when I got there, one of her friends offered me a Shotgun Betty, which is my favorite handcraft beer and I thought, ok I know I'm going to like you people x) And it turns out that they were all artsy people too, and they play video games and most everyone was gay or at least not 100% straight, so we all had that in common. We talked and drank and played a card game and eventually watched a movie. And of course I had to make it so that me and the girl were sitting next to each other for the movie x) so I kind of playfully pulled her down next to me and we started cuddling, first with those wonderful shy touches and then those 'the butterflies are going to burst from my stomach' touches. We talked forever after the movie, the whole group, and by this point it was like 4 in the morning so our conversation had become about really deep and personal stuff, which I love x) We were all prettttty inebriated, so that influenced things too heh. There were seven of us total. I got home really late, or rather really early in the morning haha. But I did get a kiss goodnight so all's well x) We're gonna hang out again tonight yay :D With some of my friends this time, not sure what we're going to do yet. I just realized that the stuff I write to you is like a diary page entry lol. Like a diary that writes back to me and also shares her own stories. A two-way diary. I won't let you apologize for going on and on about anything you want to write about, because clearly I'm unable to keep my own stories short and sweet haha. I always think, oops, I didn't mean to write that much. It's so cathartic though. Don't you feel like when you write about something that happened to you, you get a weight off your shoulders, or you even understand what happened more clearly? There's so few people I trust to blab all this stuff out to them, but if I type it to you, I don't feel the need to hold back. It's pretty liberating.