Blinking slowly as his mind registered the sound of banging on the other side of his door, Jacob sat up slowly, his music still playing in the background. He couldn't remember where the other half of his leg was, and the person out there sounded a bit worried. Well, far be it from him to cause others issues. Forcing himself off the bed with a grunt, he fell to the ground, now on his knees. Shuffling his way over to the door, he opened it and looked out, before realizing the cloth was still in his mouth. Awkwardly removing it, he looked up at the girl in front of him. She was just a bit short compared to the one-footed man kneeling in front of her, or she would be if he were standing. The similarities between their choice of dress didn't escape him, though: the boots and the jacket covering her made Jacob half-smile. Letting out a groan and clutching at the back of his leg where the pain was harassing him, he forced the smile to stay on his face. "Uh....yeah, I'm-" Clenching his jaw and cursing mentally, Jacob felt his hand clench shut as the pain got to him for a moment. "I...just pain. Just regular old....regular old amputee pain stuff." This was going nowhere. He always had difficulty explaining his phantom pains, not that he'd had to do so very much. "It's a thing that happens...." Trying and failing to suppress another moan of pain, he fell back, pushing his legs out to the side, lying on his back and looking up at the girl in front of him. "You're the first person who ever actually interrupted this...I wonder what everybody else thought." Managing a chuckle, Jacob looked around the room, trying to catch his attention on something before sighing and looking back at his...guest? "But yeah....I'm....okay, I guess?" He could barely even convince himself.