David took one last drag of his cigarette before dropping it to the ground and putting it out with a booted foot. He regarded the newcomer with mild interest. Human, he thought as he caught the scent of the mans blood. The Vampire was not adverse to working with a human though, as he himself was relatively young to the supernatural world and the most courageous soldiers he'd ever known were human. It also meant that David would have a male counterpart in the small unit. He doubted that the two pretties would be versed in the ways of men and David enjoyed having someone to talk to that would understand his views. And then he felt eyes on him. David turned to the darker of the two females and met her gaze. Never before had he seen such hatred, such contempt, in a person. Instinctively his hand rested on the pistol that was holstered under his leather jacket though he made no move to draw it. This was going to be bad for business. A unit cannot fight and win if they don't trust each other. David gathered that this was going to be a huge problem in the near future and doubted that if his life was in danger that this 'ally' would come to his aid at all. She was the first to break the stare and he was glad of it. "Yea, i can fit one more but if the gals are walking then i guess I'm riding solo." as he said that, the other guy climbed into the passenger seat of the SUV. "Its settled then. I'll follow you and when we get there maybe you can enlighten me as to what kind of supernatural baddies we'll be risking our lives against." He said as he placed his helmet back onto his head and started up his bike.