[url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/44737/posts/ooc?page=6#post-1360336]Roger's OOB[/url] Suddenly the Federation engines cut out and they drop out of warp....to arrive somewhere totally unknown. Unknown ships of all types flew around, in front, behind, and underneath them - it seemed that no one seemed to taking much, if any notice of them - at the moment at least. Something for which Captain Weston was forever thankful. With a sigh his crew watched with deep trepidation - he didn't need to be a mind reader, it was the subtle clues. The way Kate scratched behind her ear, how Alara clutched her hands together and in doing so trying to appear calm. Marcus at the helm tilted his head to one side, albeit slightly. He loved playing poker with them, 'cos he always won, no one knew that they had an obvious tell. It made him smile, briefly. "So where in the hell are we?" "I do not know" remarked the Vulcan. "I am trying to get on the stars right now?" "I'm listening to the local signals and there are dozens of totally different languages." "Well so much for speaking the same language." "I've been scanning the nearby ships, they're mostly using standard fusion reactors from what I can see, we're getting return pings from some of the more militaristic vessels in orbit of the planet." "Wonderful" he said ruefully. "Any,more good news?" "I am afraid not Captain. From the stars I can only conclude we're in another galaxy - but not much else." "My days just keeps getting better and better." Flashing her beautiful green skinned Orion smile, Alara had a tendency to light the room up, "I would suggest Captain that we make a deliberate choice - we either approach the planet like we're meant to be here, or back off right now." "Back off to where Commander?" Inquired L'Pel. "We have no guarantee it wouldn't be much worse where ever we end up." "Well that kind of gives us, one choice. Take us towards the planet at impulse. We'll see what kind welcoming committee we get."