[center][b]Battle Results[/b][/center] [u]Eternal[/u] Morocco is defeated; the land is claimed. Voth Arkosh loses 40% (2,400), to the human 80% (6,000). Out right victory. Lucky rolling! Ayybuid Dynasty is defeated in Lybia; the land is claimed. Ahm'Omoz loses 60% (4,800) , Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn also loses 60% (10,200), technically a draw but the Sultan has retreated to Egypt to gather his forces. Libya is now under Eternal's control. Tunisia holds against Voth Domosh, dealing 50% casualties (3,000) and only losing 25% (1,000) themselves. Voth Domosh morale to 75%, please. All in all, a successful blitzkrieg. [u]Raptorman[/u] The Lorenvolk host break the badly beaten Royal Portuguese Army, laying claim to the region whilst only suffering 25% (500) casualties. Their supporting militia lost 15% (1050) in the feigned retreat. King Philip II of France has sacrificed the south of his country to the Lorenvolk aggressors without giving battle.