Freyr rushed to the window as the black and yellow helicopter chopped by. The sound of its powerful rotors was nothing more than a muffled boom so it was no surprise that the flashes of gunfire didn't even reach her ears. As they watched the camouflaged men and women fanned out to cover the width of the street. Moving carefully around the mass of abandoned cars which now seemed to jut out at awkward angles from the sidewalk, the Humvees maneuvered into a roadblock with their armored flanks showing to... Freyr pressed her face up against the glass. The lights went out in the flat which helped her see what they were actually shooting at. People. Shuffling toward the barrier with an odd shamble which didn't seem indicative of intelligent life. They were being mowed down by determined gunmen but there were so many. Some even seemed to go down and then come back up again; undeterred. The National Guardsmen or whoever they are obviously hadn't enough men, an alleyway had been left relatively unguarded and Freyr's keen eye picked out a posse of figures overflow from its depths and attack the soldiers from the side. She couldn't see exactly what happened next but it seemed... violent. The helicopter's searchlight had moved somewhere else and the flat's lights hadn't turned back on. The street was thrust back into semi darkness. "Oh my god, this is real." Freyr shivered, the reality of the situation suddenly weighing down on her like an anchor in the dark. Indy and her had often talked about what it would be like to be living through Judgement Day, but those sessions had always ended in laughter. "We're not safe here, we need to get out of the city too. Don't you think?" Freyr paced the living room in the twilight, perfectly aware of all the furniture was. Another few sets of feet raced past the door on their way to the stairwell.